Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
I just wonder. All parents have that experience. You never will. I'm glad for that.
Simply because I believe something differently than you? Talk about intolerance....

Besides, I am a guy. I can have kids till the day I die ;]


Well-Known Member
Is that Warren Buffet in the first row? Wish I could kidnap that mthrfckr and hold his wrinkly old ass for ransom.


Well-Known Member
thank you for illustrating the difference in front of us.

when hillary clinton says something stupid, it is because she misspoke. she owns the gaffe, apologizes, and moves on.

when trump says something stupid, it was intentional and he carries on with the embarrassing debacle for a week.


Well-Known Member
you are not very bright. you don't understand the meaning of the term Freudian slip, or you are intentionally ignoring the obvious. but UB's already covered it. you dumb tiny dicked republican.
Says the idiot resorting to childish attacks about make genitalia...


Well-Known Member
still quite mature next to your desperate attempt to smear hillary.

your desperation is reflected in trump's faltering campaign and his dropping like a stone in the polls.
Your desperation to defend her at all costs including actual video footage of her calling for a middle class tax hike is hilarious. Go ahead and pretend like it never happened.
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