Please help me name this new baby .....He is registered as Psnowman

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Well-Known Member
lots of lonely dudes also like to pretend to be chicks on teh intewebs...

Lol, I had some chick/dude who ended up working for the Cali connection try that shit on me. Crying about how she was going to lose her home, and get her power shut off and we all offered our best yielders and she wanted the piff and my banana kush and all these breeder lines. It was quite an ordeal.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Dude, you come across as a snob at times, perhaps ungrateful even, and a bit of whiner on occasion. I've liked plenty of your contributions but this forum is unique and it's too bad you don't fully appreciate it.

None of the nonsense like here
Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. You've been here for one-week.

You must not have heard what happened to subcool/tga and the fiasco with his Michigan rep. It wasn't that long ago.

The u.p. Is a cheap option and legal so it was best for me to leave. It's kind of a joke though...
I just want to go home. Michigan is pretty third world compared to Minnesota in most places.
Lol I remember growing with miracle grow years ago. Shit tasted terrible but got you high. When I first moved to Michigan though I came to find out ppl still use it lol


Well-Known Member
Dude, you come across as a snob at times, perhaps ungrateful even, and a bit of whiner on occasion. I've liked plenty of your contributions but this forum is unique and it's too bad you don't fully appreciate it.

Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. You've been here for one-week.

You must not have heard what happened to subcool/tga and the fiasco with his Michigan rep. It wasn't that long ago.

what happened to them? I've been around the boards for years bro. I've seen the circus rode the merry go round and then seen other places where it's just boring but none of the chronic insulting, negativity and bullshit. I haven't learned anything in one week here either fwiw, and at another site I'm learning about synthetic seed propagation and tissue culture, and many other things not here, not one insult, not one negative comment either there. All positive contributions. Granted sometimes things will get heated but not like this place does. I came here to clear my name and then the guys comments get erased. I didn't want that, I posted for all to see. Not to get erased though it was a nice gesture. I may come across as lots of things but I try my best to keep it real and stay positive or at least be helpful.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
what happened to them? I've been around the boards for years bro. I've seen the circus rode the merry go round and then seen other places where it's just boring but none of the chronic insulting, negativity and bullshit. I haven't learned anything in one week here either fwiw, and at another site I'm learning about synthetic seed propagation and tissue culture, and many other things not here, not one insult, not one negative comment either there. All positive contributions. Granted sometimes things will get heated but not like this place does. I came here to clear my name and then the guys comments get erased. I didn't want that, I posted for all to see. Not to get erased though it was a nice gesture. I may come across as lots of things but I try my best to keep it real and stay positive or at least be helpful.
You wanna help,do ya? Well, help yourself to a big fat serving of deez nuts

btw, you cant delete my nuts in ur mouth
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