Please help me name this new baby .....He is registered as Psnowman

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Well-Known Member
Nobody wishes they were your dog...

Especially that drugged out hound in the pic...look at what you did to that poor fucker.
I am beautiful in every single way words can't bring me down lalala....., it won't work tangelo I long got over being bothered by you all it's much more entertaining to see how much I bother you guys
Nobody wishes they were your dog...

Especially that drugged out hound in the pic...look at what you did to that poor fucker.


Well-Known Member
I am beautiful in every single way words can't bring me down lalala....., it won't work tangelo I long got over being bothered by you all it's much more entertaining to see how much I bother you guys
Trouble with the reply button again Stevienobelievie?

Pretty shakey if you ask me. Blame it on your phone...can't be you.
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