Do these look ready?


Hi all, first time grower, about roughly 2ish months into flower, just wondering if these look or are close to looking ready??



Well-Known Member
What do your trichs look like and the pics are a little fuzzy hard to see .....they look nice but I think they could go a little longer. Depending on what your trichs are telling you and what type of smoke you want


Yeah I don't have magnifying glass or anything right now so can't take a close look, from what I've read though I'd like to harvest mine a little earlier to get a buzzier and less lethargic high


Active Member
It seems from the pics your trichs aren't all cloudy yet. I pick mine when almost all trichs are milky white and some here n there are still a little clear. Usually at this point there will be a few that start to have amber spots in the gland heads. Go get yourself a 60x-100x loupe. Never go off pistils color. This can give you an indication they are getting ready but new pistils can grow even at the end of harvest. On average most strains will be done in 8 weeks after putting into bloom.


Well-Known Member
You most definitely need a scope I use a macro lens attachment on my iPhone works perfect, use the chart as a guide, don't get the most important part of growing all screwed upView attachment 3751357View attachment 3751358View attachment 3751358
It's only $3 you can't go wrong.

That's a pretty cool attachment right there! I wonder if they make them for my cheap ass Straight Talk phone :confused: if not that's cool too, I've got a Samsung Galaxy S4 in my E-bay cart, just been waiting to work it into the budget

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I still see a few clear. Little longer.
If you go by the chart you get an idea of when to harvest did my harvest at different stages to see how I like it, I try not to get mostly Amber cause I'm not into the couch lock feeling. I go for the 60-70% cloudy no amber for the most THC. Amber is CBN ( medicine ) I use for bedtime 1blunt and I'm out like a light.


Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
If you go by the chart you get an idea of when to harvest did my harvest at different stages to see how I like it, I try not to get mostly Amber cause I'm not into the couch lock feeling. I go for the 60-70% cloudy no amber for the most THC. Amber is CBN ( medicine ) I use for bedtime 1blunt and I'm out like a light.

You want 15% amber, 85% cloudy, no clear. Clear means immature, means not at full potential.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
You want 15% amber, 85% cloudy, no clear. Clear means immature, means not at full potential.
You right but that's why I harvest 1 plant 3x top,mid and bottom as long as I'm in the harvest window and make butter with the popcorn and shake.

Nothing goes to waste my worms get the all the leaves and twigs and reamend my soil.

BTW those pics with clear thrics was me checking I harvest way past clear.
That would be wasting good shit. But thanks for the heads up.
