Masonry etc.

That video you posted was really informative. One thing I wanna point out is that masonry is different (in the ritual) by different regions. Like in Illinois its a checkered floor, he called it something else. But the true meaning stays the same, as each allegorical meaning goes beyond words.
Like the letter G in the square and compass. It stands for God and Geometry. Because the divine is found within the geometry of the world, and the masons show you how to improve your "geometry" to make you a better person.
And so does quilting apparently! My mom is looking up quilt blocks, and I saw one I liked and said, woooow! Look at all that sacred geometry! And she says what? I'm not looking at sacred geometry! I'm looking at star patterns and stuff

Uh yeah mom its called a star tetrahedron and is a form of sacred geometry
Cool thread, I was just talking today about how no information is really passed about masonry.

In the texts it speaks of Light.

What do you know about the invocation of entities like Gog and Magog? Because I've heard at higher levels that's what's going on. Oh and dmt.
I'm only a third degree mason I don't know much about anything higher than that. But that would be interesting I hope someone can answer, and about the DMT part too!

pssshhh... bumps . . .
my grandfather before he died was a 33rd degree grand master and many of my uncles are masons they are and where in no way open about it and always said very little regarding the craft or whatever this has been my experience with anyone that is connected to any order so far tbh that has always left me wondering lol
I'm waiting for my order of the eastern star meeting to start. Was just wondering if anyone wanted some info? Not to recruit, but to share some light on some of their teaching which goes really well with lessons I've learned while tripping. I can share some info, as long as its not a lot of word for word ritual, I'd love to share some things if anyone is interested!!
It all has satanic undertones. They keep you in the dark only 33 degrees are in the know and practice ocullt witch craft outside the lodge secretly with other high ranking members. Sure it's about brother hood and good will. These organizations are in every single town in America with a pop of more than 1000.
It all has satanic undertones. They keep you in the dark only 33 degrees are in the know and practice ocullt witch craft outside the lodge secretly with other high ranking members. Sure it's about brother hood and good will. These organizations are in every single town in America with a pop of more than 1000.
Funny how the "highest" ranking is 33 when Jesus was crucified at that age....
3+3=6 O__O