What is the most economic way to grow alot of plants?


Active Member
My friend and I are going to start a little growing operation and we were wondering how the best way would be to grow a lot of plants. Basically what light setups are the best and use the least amount of lights to grow the most for your money. Any advice welcome and appreciated bongsmilie


New Member
The best way to grow is ALONE and don't ever tell anyone you are growing.

Secondly grow a couple of plants all the way through to harvest just to see if you are able to do it. Not everyone has a green thumb.


Active Member
ya obviously i know not to rant about growing thanx. and i have grown twice before first time two plants, second time 10 both times outdoors. now i am trying indoors so does anyone know of any economically friendly ways to grow on a large scale? about 100 plants or so.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that there is a way to grow 100 plants economically.. What kind of space are we talking about here?


Well-Known Member
The best way to grow is ALONE and don't ever tell anyone you are growing.

Secondly grow a couple of plants all the way through to harvest just to see if you are able to do it. Not everyone has a green thumb.
I'm not sure that there is a way to grow 100 plants economically.. What kind of space are we talking about here?

misshester is right. "partners in crime" almost never work. Sure YOU may not say anything to anyone, but can you be 100% certain about your partner? NO! And if shit hits the fan, they'll give you up. It's 99.999% certain. It's all well and good to talk about "brotherhood" and best friends for life, but when that best friend is looking at 5 years (the DA will probably scare him with 50 years) that MF will roll. Looking at time does strange things to people.
How can you do 100 plants economically? Economically is a relative term. Figuring a 1/2 # per, that's around $240,000 in my neck of the woods. If you spend $75,000 on equipment (assuming you have a safe place to grow lined up) I'd say that its pretty economical. Not many businesses turn 130,000 the first year.
You are getting into territory where the weight and amounts of money can turn ugly. People get killed for alot less. dealing with that kind of weight, you'd better be carrying a gun, know how to use it, and be ready to do so. There are all sorts of nasty folks out there who will try and rob you, jack your grow, etc and you are gonna have to defend yourself. If you don't, things will probably go south real quick.
Also, like any large business, you're gonna need a legal dept. Figure another $30,000 for a bondsman and an attorney retainer, plus a decent stash of cash for emergencies.
But....that being said, lights can be had for cheap. There really aint no way to "cut" electric costs. 1000 KW/Hrs is what it is. HID lights are the most efficient lumens per watt. If you are going for being known for quality, don't cheap out. For the most part, you get what you pay for.
It's a great dream, but do yourself a favor and keep it that way. If you're hell bent on a commercial grow, do 50 plants solo. Same bank, fewer people in the security equation.You're still talking amounts of money and weight that will attract the attention of some not so nice people.You ain't sellin' yer buddy an OZ any more, you're getting into the big boys game now.


Well-Known Member
600W HPS is the most light for the least watts, = less money to run

i would say PP Hempy bucket / Lucas formula for for pots and nutes

also u will want a DIY carbon filter hooked up to good ventilation

then get the cheapest seeds u can from good breeders (like skunk#1 or NL) dutch passion skunk 1 is very cheap for good gentics

well thats about as cost effective of a good grow u will be abble to achive IMO


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone's comments, if he were here to reply, we could find out more specifics on size limitations, budget, etc.

For what I'm thinking, he's way overestimating the area necessary for 100 plants... If each were flowered real short, they'd still need at least a square foot, making 10 square feet the smallest area possible. But getting to all the plants would be impossible.

You can fit 9 plants under a 600W, covering a little more than 3x3 feet, a 1000W could cover 16plants in a 4x4+ area.

The most economical way to have a huge op like this is to buy light movers. I had a huge op 2 years ago; 15 600W HPS with light movers, an entire basement, I built beds of soil It was only one harvest and I got 25 #s... All sensi star and hash plant.

If you're looking economical; light movers double the area covered without more lights.


Active Member
7ft tall 15ft long 10 ft wide grow area. taking advice on no partners good advice thanx. For the amount i want to do i was thinking a rotating garden like the Volksgarden to save space and energy cost. anyone have experience using one?


Active Member
10x15' grows can get pretty ghetto...it's at the upper end of only needing the most basic setup, but totally doable.
#1...Make sure the electrical is correct and safe.


Well-Known Member
go cheap-get cheap. 8-1 kw lights air cooled 2 fans 2 carbon filters. dirt or hydro, Hydro less headaches, CO2? multi-flow easy. 6 grand will do it. What about electric bill? If a problem then add another 5-8k for a gen


Active Member
100 plants is a fuckin full time job man.i do 16 plants at a time every time.and that was a task in soil.mixing every fuckin galllon of water one at a time check the ph adjust than check again.and here i am telling my girl i'll only be a minute.yeah right by the time your done dinkin around in there 3 1/2 hours gone by.a hundred plants to do it right bud your fuckin electric meter is going to spin alittle more than i think i would be comfortable with.why don't you do like 8-10 plant and let them turn to monsters.


Well-Known Member
100 plants aren't hard to take care of if you know what you're doing and you are doing them all in bubble buckets.

My biggest grow had 300+ plants, I did it all by myself in a large basement.