Hillary can't be trusted

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Big fucking deal.

Do you think it is ok to ban all semiautomatic guns?

It doesn't really matter as neither candidate wants to do that. Do you support the Republican NRA-Puppet party in resisting any and all restrictions on any type of gun? I used to be a member of both organizations. Is this the first election you have ever really looked at?

The truth is, your questions are largely garbage since Hillary is not running in a vacuum. She is running against the least suitable choice for President I have ever seen and for it to escape you tells me a lot. It just kind of shows that you have bought the alternative reality narrative that the right-wing toils over when normal people are hugging their children. I would literally do a better job as President than Donald TRUMP!. I think Hillary would blow my doors off though. And yes, she will make billions in the process. So would TRUMP! but he would rip off the little guys directly as is his wont.

Don't worry. A lot of my family and my wife's family will be voting for TRUMP!. I have similar contempt for them.

Please don't leave the word "arrogant" out of your reply. I probably deserve it.
It's not really the NRA being the problem. It's that radical fuck-nut Wayne La-Pierre! The president of the NRA!
While Wayne came up through the ranks spouting radical gun views. It was Charlton Heston, who was pres. of the NRA at the time, That attempted to hold off that radical charge from the La Pierre followers.
When it became clear that Wayne was going to take over the NRA in the next convention when they(we) vote. Mr. Heston stepped down from the leadership role so as not to be linked to that asshole La Pierre!

By far the membership of the NRA is PRO new gun rules as far as background checks and closing of gun show and pvt sale loop holes! Our problem has been that Wayne is in control and will NOT listen to us. The uneducated moron contingent that follows him and that other fuck-nut, looney tune Ted Nugent (Who lies about his drug use) is actually ruining Amercan gun ownership for the real law abiding American! True Amercan gun owners ARE NOT a bunch of "shoot'em up fools"!

How do you think the voting is done by a pvt company with leadership hell bent on control and power?
How many of our votes against Wayne and Ted do you think are treated like "hanging chads"?

How about we get rid of congress.
Change the laws on campain finance
Force the NEW members of congress to stay in their seats and do their fucking jobs instead of spending 2/3erds of "their" - STRIKE THAT - OUR TIME, outside of congress sitting at a desk in "PARTY HEADQUARTERS" and calling the rank and file for donations!

Time for a NEW party! The Common Sense Party! Make the government be "BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE" again! NOT this 2 party system OWNED by big business and big money!
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Well-Known Member
It's not really the NRA being the problem. It's that radical fuck-nut Wayne La-Pierre! The president of the NRA!
While Wayne came up through the ranks spouting radical gun views. It was Charlton Heston, who was pres. of the NRA at the time, That attempted to hold off that radical charge from the La Pierre followers.
When it became clear that Wayne was going to take over the NRA in the next convention when they(we) vote. Mr. Heston stepped down from the leadership role so as not to be linked to that asshole La Pierre!

By far the membership of the NRA is PRO new gun rules as far as background checks and closing of gun show and pvt sale loop holes! Our problem has been that Wayne is in control and will NOT listen to us. The uneducated moron contingent that follows him and that other fuck-nut, looney tune Ted Nugent (Who lies about his drug use) is actually ruining Amercan gun ownership for the real law abiding American! True Amercan gun owners ARE NOT a bunch of "shoot'em up fools"!

How do you think the voting is done by a pvt company with leadership hell bent on control and power?
How many of our votes against Wayne and Ted do you think are treated like "hanging chads"?

How about we get rid of congress.
Change the laws on campain finance
Force the NEW members of congress to stay in their seats and do their fucking jobs instead of spending 2/3erds of "their" - STRIKE THAT - OUR TIME, outside of congress sitting at a desk in "PARTY HEADQUARTERS" and calling the rank and file for donations!

Time for a NEW party! The Common Sense Party! Make the government be "BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE" again! NOT this 2 party system OWNED by big business and big money!


Well-Known Member
So how is hillary trustworthy?
through a lifetime of devotion to public service and her many, many accomplishments which benefit millions of americans to this day. also, she is the most honest candidate in the race, even more honest than bernie sanders.

meanwhile, you are supporting a racist who lies incessantly about everything (i got a letter from the NFL! i chose the RNC venue! i never said people should shoot hillary!) and has never made a single sacrifice, but who has no compunctions about leaving a trail of ripped off vendors, workers, and lenders, bankruptices, and failed businesses.

do you see how retarded it is to accuse hillary of not being trustworthy while you support a lying sack of shit with feet?


Well-Known Member
Here it is @Fogdog. Watch both of the top link's videos.
Nope. Comey did not use the words "lied to Congress" or "lied under oath". He did say that Congress can refer the question regarding perjury to the FBI and I'm sure Congress will do just that. But, no, you again use truthy wannabetrue opinions as facts regarding Hillary lying to Congress. Comey did not say she did that.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Nope. Comey did not use the words "lied to Congress" or "lied under oath". He did say that Congress can refer the question regarding perjury to the FBI and I'm sure Congress will do just that. But, no, you again use truthy wannabetrue opinions as facts regarding Hillary lying to Congress. Comey did not say she did that.
They asked if what she said to congress was the truth. He said no and then gave reasons why.


Well-Known Member
They asked if what she said to congress was the truth. He said no and then gave reasons why.
You are just going to hang in there with the truthy shit aren't you? Comey did not say Hillary lied to Congress or the FBI in his testimony to Congress regarding e-mails or Benghazi. FACT VERIFIED.

You can't keep your truthy stuff straight.

So, what about Trumps claim that Obama founded ISIS. Literally founded ISIS, not metaphorically. What do you say about that? Can you come up with an equivalent whopper from Hillary over the past couple of months? I can list scores of whoppers by Trump over that same period. Can you find as many from Hillary? Note: politifact and factcheck are useful resources to help you find Hillary's false statements.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
“Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her.- Donald trump

“I’m a businessman. I contribute to everybody,” Trump said. “When I needed Hillary, she was there. If I say ‘go to my wedding,’ they go to my wedding.”- Donald trump

@flamingpie why is donald trump inviting he founder of Isis to his wedding? Seems like an untrustworthy move IMO.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Comey did not use the words "lied to Congress" or "lied under oath". He did say that Congress can refer the question regarding perjury to the FBI and I'm sure Congress will do just that. But, no, you again use truthy wannabetrue opinions as facts regarding Hillary lying to Congress. Comey did not say she did that.

Hey dude I got a tough one for ya what's the opposite of the truth?


Well-Known Member
What is your obsession with the Clinton Foundation again? Give it in factual form not that truthy sortawannabeseemslikeafact thingy you like to do but something that is true and verifiable. Something about Saudi Arabia, but for the life of me, I don't understand what's wrong with the Saudi Family making a donation to a US nonprofit group with the mission to improve global health, create economic activity and the like. I'm glad you are around to help me learn good.
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