nuggs 2016

my sis looked up the whole banana on the boat thing. Seems long ago on the trips across sea in the loaded down boats they would not allow banana's on board because they rotted first and caused the other fruits to perish fast too. that's fishing folk lore
my sis looked up the whole banana on the boat thing. Seems long ago on the trips across sea in the loaded down boats they would not allow banana's on board because they rotted first and caused the other fruits to perish fast too. that's fishing folk lore

Its true. once they found that fruits and citrus kept away scurvy they became very important. Having them next to bananas would rot them fast. Tons of tech and also superstition based on observations came from the sailors. Almost all the counter weight tech we use in Theatre is based on ship rigging.
After a quick Google I am fully educated on the history of IPA. However if you want to know anything just Google yourself.....please.
OK the East India company was involved in shipping it, but not for sailors to drink on the voyages.
It just faired better on the long journeys due to it continuing to brew in the bottle....from what I can gather. That's it.