Earth juice big bloomin guano came super watery is this normal?

Its almost time for me to start blooming nutes and i bought a bottle of earth juice big bloomin guano from amazon and about a quarter spilled out in the container during shipping and i know that the contents seperate over time but like half the gallon if not more before being shooked looked like water is that normal for it to have that high of a water percentage? Ive used some of their other products and they wernt like that at all

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Its almost time for me to start blooming nutes and i bought a bottle of earth juice big bloomin guano from amazon and about a quarter spilled out in the container during shipping and i know that the contents seperate over time but like half the gallon if not more before being shooked looked like water is that normal for it to have that high of a water percentage? Ive used some of their other products and they wernt like that at all
I'm assuming yes, given how expensive guano is, that product would have to be thru the roof expensive if it wasnt mostly water. So I would bet it's mostly water. Give them a call and complain tho and they might send you a better batch?

Guano is best aged and in powder or granular form. It provides the soil with active microbiology, has humates, plus it's npk content. When you ferment and bottle it you lose everything except the npk and you're losing some of that too.

Bagged guano is best if you're choosing to use guano. You can mix right into your water. Stir vigorously before you pour on each plant. Not all of it will dissolve but that's alright!
I'm assuming yes, given how expensive guano is, that product would have to be thru the roof expensive if it wasnt mostly water. So I would bet it's mostly water. Give them a call and complain tho and they might send you a better batch?

Guano is best aged and in powder or granular form. It provides the soil with active microbiology, has humates, plus it's npk content. When you ferment and bottle it you lose everything except the npk and you're losing some of that too.

Bagged guano is best if you're choosing to use guano. You can mix right into your water. Stir vigorously before you pour on each plant. Not all of it will dissolve but that's alright!
I have their bag of fossilized marine bird guano that im pretty sure im just going to use plus its a 0-8-1 vs the big bloomin which is only a 0-4-0. Should i mix it in with the rest of my nutes before bubbling for 24 hours or just before watering?

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I have their bag of fossilized marine bird guano that im pretty sure im just going to use plus its a 0-8-1 vs the big bloomin which is only a 0-4-0. Should i mix it in with the rest of my nutes before bubbling for 24 hours or just before watering?
Mix it in and let it bubble! It has humates, and lots of microbiology that'll come alive with aeration and molasses. If it's the pellets they take forevvvvver to dissolve.


Active Member
Its almost time for me to start blooming nutes and i bought a bottle of earth juice big bloomin guano from amazon and about a quarter spilled out in the container during shipping and i know that the contents seperate over time but like half the gallon if not more before being shooked looked like water is that normal for it to have that high of a water percentage? Ive used some of their other products and they wernt like that at all
No not normal. I had the same issue with the exact same product recently. The majority of the product had congealed at the bottom of the bottle. I had to squish the bottom to release it, then shake it like a mofo

Btw moved away from bottled nutes and now only use super soil with water, no more bs ph'ing and mixing.