How much weed is this?

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
we had to walk through the snow with no shoes, uphill both ways, with wolves biting us in the ass to get it, and when we got home, we were glad to have it
Right man I remember when we felt like we were balling selling Nick and dime bags smoking 7 gram blunts in massive cigars lol then we were introduced to crippy I'm a Florida boy so once I had that I was hooked and Reggie was shit lmao I haven't smoked any in probably 11-12 years been since I was 15-16

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
i'm lucky, i grew up just down the holler from copperhead road, we got homegrown that had been from thailand, viet nam, laos, bought it from the old man who's boys had brought the seeds home with them
Ya I smoked brick weed with Mexican women's hair in it lol the struggle was real as fuck lol


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of one of those games in school - guess how many sweets/candy the jar has in it, to win it!

To answer your question tho, if you wanna get high and there's nothing else about, then just buy it!
Some weed Is better than no weed hahahha