Yes yes, was smoking some dankies, found this leaf that I feel might be the biggest I've ever seen and figured why not have a contestYour way to 'medicated" arnt you?
Probably some seeds and yeah, upload a petiole pic!What is the prize and I may show you mine ?
Lol no worries, it's the name for the stem of a leaf. The part that grows out of the main stems with the leaf on the end of ituhh I'm a newb what is a petiole
No. Maybe. Probably not though. Long stretchy main stems is caused by low light, but leaves won't grow bigger and petioles won't get thicker, theyll most likely be smaller and very weak due to low light levels. This plant with the petiole showed above is under a 1000w and it's just the plant has the most biggest and awkward leaves I've grown in a long time. It's an animal pie. It also has petioles that grow down diagnally, I think it's sort of mutant or something so I culled the mama plant because it was such a large awkward plant that I just couldn't handleCorrect me if I'm wrong....but isn't long petiolies caused from a plant that isn't getting good light so the plant is stretched?
LmfaoYo AP! Here's mine:
Oh fuck i dropped it hold on
We better get rid of all sports. All cannabis cups. All different varieties of everything. And everyone can grow the same plant, eat the same food, drive the same car, ditch all contests and never, ever, try to win, ever. Everrrrrrrr. I don't want anyone to win ever again either. Not in a race. Not in a pumpkin growing contest. It's appalling, really, I get it, too.Dick measuring contests are lame.
Way to go over board I'm my statement. It's actually hilarious you're comparing your stick measuring contest to any sport or the cannabis cup. Two completely different things dude, lol.We better get rid of all sports. All cannabis cups. All different varieties of everything. And everyone can grow the same plant, eat the same food, drive the same car, ditch all contests and never, ever, try to win, ever. Everrrrrrrr. I don't want anyone to win ever again either. Not in a race. Not in a pumpkin growing contest. It's appalling, really, I get it, too.
I was just kidding lol. I'm actually doing this to see what strains have this huge petiole and giving people an incentive to get some free beans. This is the only strain I've seen do this, it's cherry pie x animal cookies, I've grown both animal cookies and Cherry pie, so I'm curious now. I don't like it and just trying to figure out if it's a genetic trait to cp or ac, or a freak plant.Way to go over board I'm my statement. It's actually hilarious you're comparing your stick measuring contest to any sport or the cannabis cup. Two completely different things dude, lol.