Super soil prep next seasoning..


Well-Known Member
Any good mixes? From experience please!
I wanna compile a list to try out different things and see what people used and why


Well-Known Member
I use a mix of Fox farm ocean forest, master nursery bumper crop, coast of Maine lobster compost, coarse perlite, turface, coconut coir, sphagnum, and a wide array of organic fertilizer and amendments and let sit from fall til next spring!


Well-Known Member
I use a mix of Fox farm ocean forest, master nursery bumper crop, coast of Maine lobster compost, coarse perlite, turface, coconut coir, sphagnum, and a wide array of organic fertilizer and amendments and let sit from fall til next spring!
How many gallons do you make?

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.... except for having to add a little extra n.... but we had ungodly amounts of rain. Not that I even really needed it but I still added some. But next yr I plan to add gypsum but that's it.
I do give them some e.j. bloom now but I don't think they need it. Just feeding the micro besties.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.... except for having to add a little extra n.... but we had ungodly amounts of rain. Not that I even really needed it but I still added some. But next yr I plan to add gypsum but that's it.
I do give them some e.j. bloom now but I don't think they need it. Just feeding the micro besties.
Haha awww

bi polar express

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.... except for having to add a little extra n.... but we had ungodly amounts of rain. Not that I even really needed it but I still added some. But next yr I plan to add gypsum but that's it.
I do give them some e.j. bloom now but I don't think they need it. Just feeding the micro besties.
I was gifted most of the e.j. Line just started using it good stuff!


Well-Known Member
Most water only organic soils are the same thing at the end of the day if I'm not mistaken?

Most people here use coots mix from what I've seen.

I started in subcools super soil, and on my first year in a real mix.

I went LCs mix recipe 1, and the ladies love it, way noticeable difference than subcools, and in a good way.

Most recipes are reusable, just start with the basics that are out there, and branch out into other amendments as you gain the knowledge with them.

I'm still a noobie and just follow the basics right now haha.


Well-Known Member
Growth products has a soil amendment that I've been using for a few years called Essential plus 1-0-1. I use it on everthing from turf, ornamentals, veggies as well as my MJ. It's amazing stuff as well as Growth Products 2-3-2 biological fungicide. I use both from seed to to flower as well as a soil drench when cooking my new soil for the next season. Try looking into these if you have the cash laying around.