Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
well composed post. not full of spam and lies at all.

trump lied when he said he was against the iraq war. he was for it.

trump lied when he said he was against intervention in libya. he was for it.

trump lied when he said obama and hillary created ISIS.

trump said he thinks saudi arabia and japan should have nukes.

this is all plain, established fact. trump lies about national security all the time. and you are so fucking stupid that you buy it.

you cannot be trusted.
Trump did not vote to go into Iraq and he certainly did not have inside information like Cunton.


Well-Known Member
You don't think the Clinton Foundation gets any money from health insurance companies?

I know they certainly get millions from Saudi Arabia but just ignore that Trump might build a wooden fence along the border.
The Clinton Foundation funds projects in this country and worldwide to improve conditions for people and the environment. Why wouldn't the foundation accept donations from legitimate source?

That fence is a 40 foot wall made of reinforced concrete and US taxpayers will pay for it, not Mexico. The two subjects have nothing to do with each other. That wall is going to cost $40 Billion dollars and be an environmental, economic, and social disaster. Not only that but maintenance and guarding the wall will cause a recurring cost of about $40 B every decade or so.

Why are you so worried about a charity organization that does a lot of good in this world and yet would give Trump a free pass for selling his services to the Russian government in return for loans provided by criminal organizations?


Well-Known Member
If it wasnt true than her statement was false. Telling a falsehood is synonymous with lying. Translation: she lied.
You tell us things in ignorance all the time that are completely false. Yet those aren't always lies. See how that works? No being wrong is not the same as lying.


Well-Known Member
The Clinton Foundation funds projects in this country and worldwide to improve conditions for people and the environment. Why wouldn't the foundation accept donations from legitimate source?

That fence is a 40 foot wall made of reinforced concrete and US taxpayers will pay for it, not Mexico. The two subjects have nothing to do with each other. That wall is going to cost $40 Billion dollars and be an environmental, economic, and social disaster. Not only that but maintenance and guarding the wall will cause a recurring cost of about $40 B every decade or so.

Why are you so worried about a charity organization that does a lot of good in this world and yet would give Trump a free pass for selling his services to the Russian government in return for loans provided by criminal organizations?
Did you know Saudi Arabia funded Al Qaeda when they took down the World Trade Center??


Well-Known Member
Did you know Saudi Arabia funded Al Qaeda when they took down the World Trade Center??
Did you know that Saudi Arabia is a country full of people? Can you be more specific? Like name names and state facts? I have no idea what to make of your statement. I guess what you said makes sense to right wingers who repeat truthy opiniony stuff as if it were facts but you made no sense whatsover in your post.
Why must we always involve politics? Everybody gives a shit but it doesn't matter. As much as nobody wants Hillary as president, we can't stop it. She is part of an elite, untouchable group. Let's move on, enjoy the lives we have and the loved ones around us for the short time we have. When its time for the war, kiss them goodbye and protect their future. ; )
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