What is this?

hey guys,
400 W
Two plants in flowering for 6 weeks now, both plants started develping these symptoms of discoloration. Tips are affected as well... Texture is fine and no growths are observed, checked for mites and funguses and I didn't find anything..
Thanks in advance! :)
link to pictures: http://imgur.com/a/ugCYC


Well-Known Member
Pics w/o HPS would allow a much better look...How well did you look at the underside of the leaves? IMHO that looks very much like spider mite damage...could be wrong though are the spots yellowish or orangish?

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
spider mites. they are tiny, and under the leaves. cut one off, look at it closely under a good white light. you will probably see the bastards storming the courtyard.

fucking borg, assimilating any decent pot plant in their path...

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Hello guys and thanks for the help..... it's thrips :( just confirmed it, they're white little flea like bugs, so they're in the early stages, right ?
Anyone recommend a good approach? I've read through GWE and I'm afraid I won't be able to buy the products they recommendin my country
water with neem oil/soap mixture, and layer soil with diatomaceous earth. should fix that right up for you.


Well-Known Member
Hello guys and thanks for the help..... it's thrips :( just confirmed it, they're white little flea like bugs, so they're in the early stages, right ?
Anyone recommend a good approach? I've read through GWE and I'm afraid I won't be able to buy the products they recommendin my country
I would suggest Azamax...Ebay or Amazon may help you.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help... tomorrow I'm going to a shop nearby, I doubt they'll have Azamax or the other specific brands but they'll prolly have some kind of pest control spray.... wish me luck x_x
neem oil is organic. use to label and cut with dish detergent.

diatomaceous earth is harmless to anything but bugs, available internationally...

good luck!


Well-Known Member
Tricky...in fact the whole idea of trying to kill and control insects on a plant so close to harvest is kind of tricky. Even pesticides that are safe for flowering plants may leave resins and moisture which could promote mold and mildew so late in flowering. The product you are looking at is a foliar treatment and better used as a preventive measure than a problem solver. However, it appears to be safe for flowering plants. If I were you I would do an all nighter studying on best methods and make a choice based on your findings. Either way you want to act quickly...who wants to smoke dead thrips? Yuck!!!