Quasar Jones
What's your experience with Songle? Limited life? I haven't had any issues yet, but when I make this a pcb, I plan on getting better quality. I did some math on the lifetime, and they will only last one year, but I factored that in to my process. This is more a proof of concept at this point.Songle relays are really crap quality, the most reliable mechanical relay i`ve used is the HF3FF. It has a 12v dc coil and is rated at 15A for 125v.
The thing to remember with SSR`s is they only come in a single pole version, they need a heatsink if you draw more than a few amps and when they fail (which admittedly isnt very often) they typically fail closed circuit (permanently on).
With the Panasonic 25A ssr, the datasheet says it won't need a heat sink since my ac is only 500W. I ran it for an hour yesterday. I guess we'll find out. Failure is a part of the process.