12000 Watt 91 Plant Hydro Gorilla Glue #4, Lemon OG Kush, and Blueberry


Do you have a lot of experience with coco I am going to run 1 tent cococ and 1 tent dwc drip feed
Well when I said cocoa I used this cocoa soil mix it was in like a red and white bag, I can't remember the name of it, but I would mix that with perlite and I have always had great results.


Well-Known Member
this a recirculated drip system.

I see 3 big issue with that setup:
-no air change - light leak on rez/on rockwool -too much fixture/not enought cooling

and btw, you said you prefer use 1 rez than 3 because of cleaning, but if I was you, I would put a rez for every side of the system, more rez=more protection against root disease, especially since your recirculated.


this a recirculated drip system.

I see 3 big issue with that setup:
-no air change - light leak on rez/on rockwool -too much fixture/not enought cooling

and btw, you said you prefer use 1 rez than 3 because of cleaning, but if I was you, I would put a rez for every side of the system, more rez=more protection against root disease, especially since your recirculated.
what do you mean by no air change? so I should cover rez? what do you mean on rockwool they shouldnt get light? Does covering the resvior make it to where you don't have to clean it every week? Yes as I mentioned I want to get a 115 gallon botanicare for each side,but I have to wait until next round now. thank you btw
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Well-Known Member
plant need fresh air, fresh co2 to thrive, you need at least an intake from outside your room.
yea you should cover everything,if you want to avoid problem like algae and pathogens bacteria. algae grow on rockwool if exposed to light.and i suggest using airstone or pump in your rez , stagnant water = pathogens bacteria.


plant need fresh air, fresh co2 to thrive, you need at least an intake from outside your room.
yea you should cover everything,if you want to avoid problem like algae and pathogens bacteria. algae grow on rockwool if exposed to light.and i suggest using airstone or pump in your rez , stagnant water = pathogens bacteria.
I have 8 airstones running inside the reservoir, I need to take an updated pic sorry about that. What should I do to go about getting fresh air in, I thought as long as the room was sealed, I do have my ac in there does that count? As far as covering goes I have only seen rockwool cube covers, do they make covers for 2 gallon pots?

can I use one of these? or is that not enough?
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Well-Known Member
if your new to hydro, i really suggest you take notes and follow a simple system, once you dialled in , you will be able to expend and adjust. right now your starting big and honestly the chance you fail are good. I lost so much money/time dialling my system , which, is really simillar to yours.

recirculate hydro system is more tricky than drain to waste
and rockwool is a lot more tricky to use than other medium too so your set for a super tricky system to run and its SUPER EASY to run into problem and fail IMO.

i suggest you read on root slime, rez maintenance and root environment, it will greatly help you to success and make the transition to hydro.


Well-Known Member
I have 8 airstones running inside the reservoir, I need to take an updated pic sorry about that. What should I do to go about getting fresh air in, I thought as long as the room was sealed, I do have my ac in there does that count? As far as covering goes I have only seen rockwool cube covers, do they make covers for 2 gallon pots?

can I use one of these? or is that not enough?
it really depend on cfm of blower and your room. with no co2 and a room packed like yours, aim for 20-30 air change by hours at least. ideal would be 50-60 air change/hr

you can cover your pot with black n white.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by no air change? so I should cover rez? what do you mean on rockwool they shouldnt get light? Yes as I mentioned I want to get a 115 gallon botanicare for each side,but I have to wait until next round now. thank you btw
You're gettin some damn good advice there bro...............I'd follow it.

Wherever light hits water, 'SOMETHING' will grow, and if it's anything other than cannabis growing in your hydro system, it ain't gonna be good


You're gettin some damn good advice there bro...............I'd follow it.

Wherever light hits water, 'SOMETHING' will grow, and if it's anything other than cannabis growing in your hydro system, it ain't gonna be good
yes I know that's why I am asking so many questions I want to understand better


Well-Known Member
Only a theory and C/critisism is endorsed....................considering the system the OP's currently GOT to run with, what about no recirculation? It'd take some monitoring, but only pump solution once or twice a day, with no run off? Looks like a good volume of substrate to accommodate such a system and then he could keep the feeding solution bang on


if your new to hydro, i really suggest you take notes and follow a simple system, once you dialled in , you will be able to expend and adjust. right now your starting big and honestly the chance you fail are good. I lost so much money/time dialling my system , which, is really simillar to yours.

recirculate hydro system is more tricky than drain to waste
and rockwool is a lot more tricky to use than other medium too so your set for a super tricky system to run and its SUPER EASY to run into problem and fail IMO.

i suggest you read on root slime, rez maintenance and root environment, it will greatly help you to success and make the transition to hydro.
Me personally am new to it, my partner isn't he has a setup already that is about to finish.



it really depend on cfm of blower and your room. with no co2 and a room packed like yours, aim for 20-30 air change by hours at least. ideal would be 50-60 air change/hr

you can cover your pot with black n white.
Yeah only time I use CO2 is during bloom


Well-Known Member
hydro is much more sensitive to environment than soil, there some of my notes that you might find useful, should give you an idea of an optimal environnement for your system.

water/rootzone temp: 65-70F
room temp: 70-80F
nothing organics in rez
bubble/mix/move water in rez 24/24
1k watts per square meter 24-40po from tops=optimal
no light leaks,cover everythings
rez change every weeks and complete sterelization of pump/rez/filter
hygro max=70% in growth, 50% in flowers
ec of nute=0.7-1.8
co2: 500-1000ppm
waterings: once medium is ''half dry'', drain 10-15%
rootzone ph: 5.8-6.2
water ph: 5.5-5.8
alkalinity: 40-70 ppm caco2


hydro is much more sensitive to environment than soil, there some of my notes that you might find useful, should give you an idea of an optimal environnement for your system.

water/rootzone temp: 65-70F
room temp: 70-80F
nothing organics in rez
bubble/mix/move water in rez 24/24
1k watts per square meter 24-40po from tops=optimal
no light leaks,cover everythings
rez change every weeks and complete sterelization of pump/rez/filter
hygro max=70% in growth, 50% in flowers
ec of nute=0.7-1.8
co2: 500-1000ppm
waterings: once medium is ''half dry'', drain 10-15%
rootzone ph: 5.8-6.2
water ph: 5.5-5.8
alkalinity: 40-70 ppm caco2
thank you so much for this. I realize I sound like a complete noob and thats why I decided to post this grow journal but usually I just run soil and my partner does hydro and we get 20 pounds+, I am trying to start getting more yield and more help. Right now I am keeping my room temp at around 81-83 to have the humidity in there since there just starting out. I am using all advanced nutrients grand master level with connoisseur a and b. I change the rez once a week and clean it completely. They feed 3 times a day 30 minute feedings for 2 then 5 mins for last one. PH I was told not to touch due to "Ph perfect by AN". You run CO2 during veg as well? Whats hydro max? What would you recommend to check the EC? all I have right now is a tds ppm meter. Also how do I go about checking my alkalinity.


Well-Known Member
hydro doesnt yield more than soil, the growth is just faster.

hygro= RH or relative humidity

your feed frequency is too much IMO , when you water, your pot should be half weight, overwatering is a common issue with rockwool and lead to disaster(root rot ,pythium,slime)

ph perfect is a marketing shit, theres no ph perfect... best advice I can give you, get rid of Advanced as soon you can and chose a professinal nutrients. Advanced nutrients is just a super pricey, low quality fertilizer and their marketing strategy is to attract new cannabis grower... lot of people start with Advanced and move to a decent nutrient. the truth is... high quality nutrients are not expensive!!!

you can convert your ppm to ec if you know the conversion factor of your ppm meter. in general factor are .5 or .7 so 500ppm@0.5= 1EC 700ppm@0.7=1EC etc...

dont forget to clean your pump!


Yeah we have had this happen before on those dwc 24 plant site things you can buy. Yes you are right we check the pumps all the time, but it sucks you never know when one is gonna go out. Doing it this way the lines never clog, hence why we use 3/4" instead of 1/2" lines.
Great idea. As long as they are secured good


hydro doesnt yield more than soil, the growth is just faster.

hygro= RH or relative humidity

your feed frequency is too much IMO , when you water, your pot should be half weight, overwatering is a common issue with rockwool and lead to disaster(root rot ,pythium,slime)

ph perfect is a marketing shit, theres no ph perfect... best advice I can give you, get rid of Advanced as soon you can and chose a professinal nutrients. Advanced nutrients is just a super pricey, low quality fertilizer and their marketing strategy is to attract new cannabis grower... lot of people start with Advanced and move to a decent nutrient. the truth is... high quality nutrients are not expensive!!!

you can convert your ppm to ec if you know the conversion factor of your ppm meter. in general factor are .5 or .7 so 500ppm@0.5= 1EC 700ppm@0.7=1EC etc...

dont forget to clean your pump!
Good thread but don't listen alot the advanced nutrient bullshit he says. It's a great line and a great company. Latest big mike video proves it even more stick with connoisseur and you will have advanced backing you up 100 %


And the ph perfect isn't bullshit . Anyone who says itshe bullshit just doesn't know how it works or why it works and haven't done there research behind advaneed nutrient. There is a reason no one has taken big mike up on his million dollar challenege


House and garden made a better root accelerator and advanced equal us jumpstart. It's being brought down of the market and advanced nutrients is telling all there customers thy this root product is better. And inow the next few months to years they gurantee to come out with a better product. Because he will only sell number 1 products not second best