doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

I see where you are coming from now JJ. I think its because the kief has so much more surface area exposed to temp where the nugs have more shielding....Just a theory...Its like when blonder kief is exposed to any air temps is darkens up where if it stays in very cold temps it holds its blonde color
I have squished some of the kief but I stopped after a few presses. I am not pleased with the color, The rosin is coming out too dark & a little cloudy I think. I suspect the 150mic screen on the cement mixer is letting too much plant material thru. so I have ordered a set of finer screens for the mixer; 125mic & 100mic. also ordered some finer 25mic squish bags for final squishing. still working on our rosin tech...
This rosin tastes awesome & gets me hella high, so take a closer look at these pictures and tell me what you think....(:
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Most awesome thing I have ever seen. We (on the east coast ) have nothing to compare it to. What does it taste like?
As a thought, if using higher grade kief or like an ice-olator extract, perhaps that would produce lighter more translucent rosin.

I have never used dry ice method for kief but would imagine the dry ice strips a bit more plant matter when extracting....similar to the different grades of bubble extract. The lightest grade for me always being in the 70-160mu range. Below 70 always dries a bit darker and likewise above 160. Of course the return is not going to be as high but the product might be sexier and fetch a higher price.
Hey @doublejj, couple questions for you.

Hold old is the keif, or the material your making the keif from? This going to be a huge factor in your color, the older the material the darker it will be.

Also are you using dry ice extraction to collect the keif? The amount of contaminant in the keif might also be playing a role in the color.

I make rosin using bubble hash. Fresh frozen made bubble hash, giving me the lightest gold rosin. And when I hang dry, and cure out my flowers I get a deeper gold. If I cure out the bubble hash even further I'll get a deep golden/brown almost red.

^^ This is a full spectrum (160micron to 45micron) bubble hash rosin made with fresh frozen material.

^^ This is also a full spectrum bubble hash rosin, made from the exact same strain. The only difference is the bubble hash was made with material that was hung for 14 days and then cured for 6 weeks.

Anyway I just thought I'd offer my 2 cents, maybe help clarify why your getting a dark material. I don't think it's got anything to do with the micron size of the bag your using.
Hey @doublejj, couple questions for you.

Hold old is the keif, or the material your making the keif from? This going to be a huge factor in your color, the older the material the darker it will be.

Also are you using dry ice extraction to collect the keif? The amount of contaminant in the keif might also be playing a role in the color.

I make rosin using bubble hash. Fresh frozen made bubble hash, giving me the lightest gold rosin. And when I hang dry, and cure out my flowers I get a deeper gold. If I cure out the bubble hash even further I'll get a deep golden/brown almost red.

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^^ This is a full spectrum (160micron to 45micron) bubble hash rosin made with fresh frozen material.

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^^ This is also a full spectrum bubble hash rosin, made from the exact same strain. The only difference is the bubble hash was made with material that was hung for 14 days and then cured for 6 weeks.

Anyway I just thought I'd offer my 2 cents, maybe help clarify why your getting a dark material. I don't think it's got anything to do with the micron size of the bag your using.
Its ppl like u sharing what they know that makes this outdoor section good
Your talking from experience not some google warrior whos never done it but thinks he knows everything
Good work
here are a few more pictures of yesterdays rosin squish. after letting it sit out overnight it has set-up to a workable state. I guess the color ain't so bad, but I want to try the finer screens for a clearer sexier product. But this stuff smells/tastes sooooo good...and really packs a punch
Morning dabs of rosin & coffee..(:



I have squished some of the kief but I stopped after a few presses. I am not pleased with the color, The rosin is coming out too dark & a little cloudy I think. I suspect the 150mic screen on the cement mixer is letting too much plant material thru. so I have ordered a set of finer screens for the mixer; 125mic & 100mic. also ordered some finer 25mic squish bags for final squishing. still working on our rosin tech...
This rosin tastes awesome & gets me hella high, so take a closer look at these pictures and tell me what you think....(:
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I am with pkhydro. I'm thinking it may be the age of the material.