ACMPR hahahahahaha

Wow. Can anyone recommend a good doctor that won't try to reduce our old MMAR amounts? My doctor had a breakdown and has closed his practice so I'm looking for any recommendations for a BC doctor if it's possible who will give me a new prescription. Please PM me if you have any leads...cheers!
Drs will be charging
$400-$1000 now for larger scripts. Back to mmar days... who's a fellow MMAR grower old system?
I would say most pink slips that show differences than what the math is supposed to be
are likely human error input when making the pink slip. good for those that have elevated
plant count that don't make sense or rather don't conform to the math.
the math for grams per day to INDOOR plant count is as follows:

(grams * 365) / (30 * 3 * 1) * 1.2

so let's say you have a 9g/day limit
9 x 365 = 3285
3285 / 90 = 36.5
36.5 x 1.2 = 43.8

plant count = 44 plants indoor

You're the only one that is talking sesne on here. (Well 1 others maybe) All the other people are talking from the "top of their heads" more like "bro science"..

The easiest way to calculate it in the past was your grams per day x 5 plants and - 1 in most cases.

People need to wake up, never under the mmar program had an inspector came to my grow and say?
"Hey lets see proof or purchase from health canada"

Also other growers share each others cuts.

@user hidden the price i was talking about was for 20 gram per day - 40 gram per day scripts.

It will be hard for new people on the program to get that, but people with old scripts can get that easily!!!
The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has clearly stated that MMJ documents are to be treated as a prescription and members CANNOT charge for writing them. If you run a cross these Dr's charging ANYTHING..simply report them to the board.
The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has clearly stated that MMJ docs are to be treated as a prescription and members CANNOT charge for writing them. If you run a cross these Dr's charging ANYTHING..simply report them to the board.

The problem has always been finding a dr that would sign your scripts.

So lets start with me, 2009 almost impossible to find a signing dr to get legal. 2010 I revisted the issue and made strides. Eventually get onto the program, but had to be resigned.
My family dr didn't believe in the use of marijuana.

So finding a dr is one. Finding a dr that will give you a 20 script plus is another thing.

But just need to know where too look. As I said $400-$1000 is a common price and this is as of Monday august 15th 2016. Spoken to one of these drs/companies.
My family Dr. Is willing to sign for free. If your Dr is charging he"s breaking the rules set out by the collage. If he's charging you on the number of grams per day he perscribes, he's a criminal.

My family Dr. Is willing to sign for free. If your Dr is charging he"s breaking the rules set out by the collage. If he's charging you on the number of grams per day he perscribes, he's a criminal.


yeh well good for you and your wonder knoweldge of the law..sometimes it's either do this or get signed up with an LP

we need to get "our" forms signed..and if we have to go to people who will charge i guess we will

great things are woking out for you ..please don't be so sanctumonious
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My family Dr. Is willing to sign for free. If your Dr is charging he"s breaking the rules set out by the collage. If he's charging you on the number of grams per day he perscribes, he's a criminal.

Your dr is probably only signing 10 grams per day max script.

Im talking 20-40 scripts
Your dr is probably only signing 10 grams per day max script.

Im talking 20-40 scripts
Based on what logic? Even when I paid a clinic, it didn't cost more for a bigger script. The doctor cannot charge the patient for the visit or writing a script, so the cost is for 'office fees' or some shit. If you find a regular gp to sign for free, I'm sure he's not going to have a "first 10g for free" sale, but charge for larger dosages.
Based on what logic? Even when I paid a clinic, it didn't cost more for a bigger script. The doctor cannot charge the patient for the visit or writing a script, so the cost is for 'office fees' or some shit. If you find a regular gp to sign for free, I'm sure he's not going to have a "first 10g for free" sale, but charge for larger dosages.

Let me ask you this, first off where you a part of the MMAR original system?

And what do YOU define as a big script?
Let me ask you this, first off where you a part of the MMAR original system?

And what do YOU define as a big script?
yes. I'm original mmar. My script is 10g/day but I know several people in my group of friends that have 4x that...198 plants each. One used a clinic but the other got his through his long-time family doctor...for free.
yes. I'm original mmar. My script is 10g/day but I know several people in my group of friends that have 4x that...198 plants each. One used a clinic but the other got his through his long-time family doctor...for free.

Thats a nice amount. I started off with
7gpd went to 40gpd and now8)8)..

Im real good.
Real good at what, may I ask?
What do you suffer from?

That is no one business but mine. Why would you ask what i suffer from.

Whatever it is the Dr saw fit o_O..

Why would you want to know someones "Personal Business"???

Im above 50 grams per day thats it!

People make concentrates leave it at that, avg 10%-15% Return.

Sounds harsh the tone above, after reading it, but its not.
Alright so my original family doctor who signed for my pinks has retired. My new family doctor knows I use for medical purposes. But I recently went to see her to explain about the new program and that I will need her help signing me up for it, she says she doesn't feel comfortable with it. She claims she just doesn't know enough about it to feel comfortable writing a recommendation, and the whole grams per day thing she doesn't know how to prescribe. I've tried to reason with her, tried to educate her, begged her, but she won't sign for me. She said the best she can do is write me a letter to take to one of the clinics (she suggested greenleaf).

So fuck, I email greenleaf like 3 days ago and explain the situation. I get an email back later that afternoon, saying that they would like to set up an appointment to get me registered into the MMPR, what???
It then goes on to describe the only way to access is through a LP, and that they won't sign a script over 5g per day....WTF
They then go on to explain the prices and what it's going to cost me, however they do offer compassionate prices if you are on a low or fixes income. And then asks me if I would like to proceed.

So I email them back. Said something along the lines of, It's my understanding the MMPR is dead, and of August 24 the new program is the ACMPR. Just wanting to confirm this is the program I will be signed up under.
I didn't bother mentioning anything about the 5g per day bullshit, I had planned to just show the doctor where it clearly states on the HC website that there is NO daily restrictions.
I then ask what the clinic requires for proof of income to qualify for compassionate prices.

So I get an email back.
They said, yes sorry, the new program is the ACMPR. We are booking into Sept currently so by the time your appointment arrives we will have all the new paper work and everything figured out.

Then they said, the Licensed Producers require you Notice of Assesment to qualify for their compassionate pricing...uhh, No.

So I reply once more.

Thanks for getting back to me. I would like to proceed with booking an appointment. However I was asking about the compassionate pricing on my annual Greenleaf membership, not on LP product as do not plan on obtaining my medication through a licensed producer. The new program allows 3 avenues of access, I can produce my own, I can have someone else do it for me, or I can order through an LP. I believe I'll try and produce my own.

Anyway please let me know what dates your soonest appointment is.


.....And i haven't heard shit from them since. I was literally emailing back and forth with them. And as soon as I mentioned not going through a licensed producer they cut off contact.

Fuck those people...anyone know of a fair doctor? Pm me if need be.

It's about time we start a list of friendly doctors.
Alright so my original family doctor who signed for my pinks has retired. My new family doctor knows I use for medical purposes. But I recently went to see her to explain about the new program and that I will need her help signing me up for it, she says she doesn't feel comfortable with it. She claims she just doesn't know enough about it to feel comfortable writing a recommendation, and the whole grams per day thing she doesn't know how to prescribe. I've tried to reason with her, tried to educate her, begged her, but she won't sign for me. She said the best she can do is write me a letter to take to one of the clinics (she suggested greenleaf).

So fuck, I email greenleaf like 3 days ago and explain the situation. I get an email back later that afternoon, saying that they would like to set up an appointment to get me registered into the MMPR, what???
It then goes on to describe the only way to access is through a LP, and that they won't sign a script over 5g per day....WTF
They then go on to explain the prices and what it's going to cost me, however they do offer compassionate prices if you are on a low or fixes income. And then asks me if I would like to proceed.

So I email them back. Said something along the lines of, It's my understanding the MMPR is dead, and of August 24 the new program is the ACMPR. Just wanting to confirm this is the program I will be signed up under.
I didn't bother mentioning anything about the 5g per day bullshit, I had planned to just show the doctor where it clearly states on the HC website that there is NO daily restrictions.
I then ask what the clinic requires for proof of income to qualify for compassionate prices.

So I get an email back.
They said, yes sorry, the new program is the ACMPR. We are booking into Sept currently so by the time your appointment arrives we will have all the new paper work and everything figured out.

Then they said, the Licensed Producers require you Notice of Assesment to qualify for their compassionate pricing...uhh, No.

So I reply once more.

Thanks for getting back to me. I would like to proceed with booking an appointment. However I was asking about the compassionate pricing on my annual Greenleaf membership, not on LP product as do not plan on obtaining my medication through a licensed producer. The new program allows 3 avenues of access, I can produce my own, I can have someone else do it for me, or I can order through an LP. I believe I'll try and produce my own.

Anyway please let me know what dates your soonest appointment is.


.....And i haven't heard shit from them since. I was literally emailing back and forth with them. And as soon as I mentioned not going through a licensed producer they cut off contact.

Fuck those people...anyone know of a fair doctor? Pm me if need be.

It's about time we start a list of friendly doctors.

Hey Pk..what a fuckin run-around shit show eh. It almost sounds like " well if we're not gonna make money off you, see ya " Maybe i'm wrong.
Anyway the bottom line is we are all back to trying to find a doctor again. Why does this feel like the movie " Groundhog Day"
Basically we are no further ahead really. It's like rewind 5 years back and still folks trying to find a Doctor who gets it.
It doesn't matter what program they come up with. Doctors are NOT on board mostly. And therein lies the real issue to access.
I think @gb123 is really correct. Patients need to do their thing regardless of all other factors. If some folks waited until they had the green light completely...they'd die of old age.
So now lots of folks who were ACTUALLY legal suddenly are illegal. Nice job HC of fuckin the sick over again.
I know so many of my friends on here are feeling the same as me...TIRED OF THIS CRAP !!!
Your idea of a thread of agreeable doctors is a good one...make one up. It should include detail and contact info. Maybe a small description of the experience with that particular recommendation from the person posting the info.
PK...if you are sick i cannada,,,you have the right to grow and make your meds..
NO IFS ANDS or BUTS about it really...

You'll never see court as you'll never have to.
So get to doing what you need to do and not let the fucks get ya so bent out of shape for not letting you do what they dont want you to do but ARE LEGAL TO DO!!!
sooo fuckem!!