The moment when you finally realize that 1% black support isn't enough


Well-Known Member
My father in law to be is a racist prick who is voting for Trump. He was watching Django Unchained for the first time yesterday. I heard him laughing the entire time right up until this moment

Then it got real quiet...and I started laughing.

That's what I imagine it's going to be like the moment after Hillary gets elected.


Well-Known Member
He denies there is systematic racism behind police violence on black men. Then in the very same speech, says he wants and will get their vote, "because what do you have to lose?". It's just more Trump doublespeak. That wasn't even close to reaching out. My guess is that he wanted to have the video so that he can later say to his white audiences that he is reaching out because, "new Trump".

But I will thank him for not having an obviously uncomfortable black person on stage to give him a fist bump at some time during the show.


Well-Known Member
70% of black children are born to unmarried parents.

Im sure somehow, this is also white peoples fault.
Wow, not even a connection to the thread.

Do you have some sort of Turets issue where you randomly blurt out shit about black people?


Well-Known Member
I'm married, and my daughter is chillin' in her college dorm room right now with all of her bills paid in full. You know, in case you're wondering.

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I would not dignify him with a response.

Busy little sock puppets tonight.


Well-Known Member
It is fascinating though. I guess he figures since white males are turning away from him he needs to make it up somewhere. This guy makes Romney look like the biggest winner this century.
He'd be the first politician history to lock up the black vote and the klan vote in the same election. We're African Americans now, when all through the primaries we were "the blacks".


Well-Known Member
He'd be the first politician history to lock up the black vote and the klan vote in the same election. We're African Americans now, when all through the primaries we were "the blacks".
But he regretted some stuff today. He wouldn't say what though. I will bet Pie breathed a sigh of relief. I am sure she is not so far gone that something about TRUMP!'s words or actions were bothering her. Now she can feel better. I am sure he regrets whatever it was that was bothering her.

All "the blacks" will know that he really regrets calling him "the blacks" - won't they?


Well-Known Member
But he regretted some stuff today. He wouldn't say what though. I will bet Pie breathed a sigh of relief. I am sure she is not so far gone that something about TRUMP!'s words or actions were bothering her. Now she can feel better. I am sure he regrets whatever it was that was bothering her.

All "the blacks" will know that he really regrets calling him "the blacks" - won't they?
Without a doubt. I've forgiven him already. I'm not a Christian, but it seems like the Christian thing to do. Since he's such a man of faith.


Well-Known Member
Without a doubt. I've forgiven him already. I'm not a Christian, but it seems like the Christian thing to do. Since he's such a man of faith.
Do you think it is possible that this is just a show that he thinks might strengthen his case for voter fraud?

"There are precincts with not one vote for Donald Trump after all the outreach I did. Believe me, they stole this election"

I think Donald is in 100% branding mode now and is willing to fuck the Republicans over to come out with some personal gain.
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