Who is threatening your life right now? A poll

Who offers the greatest terrorist threat?

  • Muslims

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Right-Wing Radicals

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Law enforcement officers

    Votes: 11 39.3%

  • Total voters

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
What the fuck is up with the increase in radicalism worldwide anyway?

Clearly it happens from time to time, usually when political forces need some realignment. When it does it often skips across borders and regions - but it used to take a while. Now we are all connected putting powerful communication tools into anybody's hands for minimum investment. Is that it? Or is there much more at work and it is only wallpaper?
facebook dude, facebook...


Well-Known Member
Know who threatens me? Assholes in this country who want to bomb countries around the world without feeling the slightest moral obligation to accept refugees.

It is the best way to make new terrorists that I can think of.

Jesus is going to sucker punch you all the first chance he gets.


Well-Known Member
Know who threatens me? Assholes in this country who want to bomb countries around the world without feeling the slightest moral obligation to accept refugees.

It is the best way to make new terrorists that I can think of.

Jesus is going to sucker punch you all the first chance he gets.
Fuck your refugees it's people like you who threaten me by creating terrorists and then bringing them in like poor refugees meanwhile Obama and Hillary armed and funded ISIS and killed a shit load of civilians including children.


Well-Known Member
Fuck your refugees it's people like you who threaten me by creating terrorists and then bringing them in like poor refugees meanwhile Obama and Hillary armed and funded ISIS and killed a shit load of civilians including children.
So you are threatened by traumatized 5 year-olds? What a puss.


Well-Known Member
No you moron. It's the way these idiots designed things. They have driveways on major roads that have 45mph speed limits. You're 2 car lengths behind and all of a sudden break and turn. The other day a lady caused a traffic jam be a use she was parked in front of her turn and no one would let her in because she had no signals. 20 cars behind her and 20 cars passing in front of her turn. Morons.
Why are you so butthurt? Are you part of the silent toothless majority?
As I said you were tail gating its kind of a standard to be one car length per 10 miles per hour and that came from a time when cars were longer so you were more that 2 times closer than you should have been. I may drive as close as you were but I wouldn't bitch about something that was my own fault.
I have never had a cavity although my left bottom canine sets proud a very small amount, past that they are perfect.
Yes there are bad drivers everywhere. Just try not to be one of them as you seem to be one of the morons who you are bitching about.


Well-Known Member
I was coming off of a timed light in that situation and if I'm going to turn I start signaling early enough to slow down and not disrupt traffic. You don't signal and turn at the exact moment you're turning .

Check your dash cam Igor.


Well-Known Member

im a man of a dozen trades.

ive driven just about everything and spent significant time in every major city in america. shit i leave the country all the time too...im with my brothers down south right now

quit blaming someone else. your car stops in about the same distance and nobody slams brakes to enter a driveway...
also if you were driving safely youll never be in an accident.
following distance bro bro

turn signal 3-5 seconds before making a move as long as it doesnt confuse someone at close intersections or trying to pull out. then lightly touch brakes to put on lights then apply smoothly
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Well-Known Member
I was coming off of a timed light in that situation and if I'm going to turn I start signaling early enough to slow down and not disrupt traffic. You don't signal and turn at the exact moment you're turning .

Check your dash cam Igor.
You were tailgating you admitted it don't be a dick learn to drive in a safe way. When you hit someone in the rear you are at fault. I never said they were in right nor that they were driving right or well I get it. Hit someone in the rear and you are wrong. Ask a cop.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3762011

im a man of a dozen trades.

ive driven just about everything and spent significant time in every major city in america.

quit blaming someone else. your car stops in about the same distance and nobody slams brakes to enter a driveway...
also if you were driving safely youll never be in an accident.
following distance bro bro

turn signal 3-5 seconds before making a move as long as it doesnt confuse someone at close intersections or trying to pull out. then lightly touch brakes to put on lights then apply smoothly
If a car swoops and squats with a blocker car to stop a lane change by a big truck and you can prove it, that's the only way out of being at fault if you hit someone in the rear that I know of what say you?


Well-Known Member
I am threatened by at least three flat earthers who I know want to kill me one is the man seen below I think he goes by mello man ....back into hiding I go .......


Well-Known Member
You were tailgating you admitted it don't be a dick learn to drive in a safe way. When you hit someone in the rear you are at fault. I never said they were in right nor that they were driving right or well I get it. Hit someone in the rear and you are wrong. Ask a cop.
In places that is a law, it shouldn't be. An ass hole, not too long ago, was backing up at a pretty fast speed in my lane. I have no idea what the driver was doing. I was going slower than speed limit, if I had been going speed limit I would've slammed into the guy.


Well-Known Member

ive never been in an accident or had any driving related citation ... my record is clean

ive been in an accident while extremely fucked up, entirely my fault and drove off however

If a car swoops and squats with a blocker car to stop a lane change by a big truck and you can prove it, that's the only way out of being at fault if you hit someone in the rear that I know of what say you?
yes that happens quite often. especially in cali for some reason. alot of big rigs put personal cameras up, most companies do this as well. also records distance speed g force etc etc. in the case of a car quickly entering your lane cutting you off and slamming brakes..your 80,000lb truck has no chance.. your lawyer can get you out with these devices

other than that a yes, your fault. Brake check, still your fault though he can get charged as well. if you can prove, strong if, some cars have g force and brake application gauges in them for this and insurance purposes
an unavoidable accident still goes on record