A contradiction in thought


Well-Known Member
Personally I like it when they do that. It exposes their real intentions. Not long ago I was driving through some worthless state listening to am radio. It was right after those Texas laws about abortion clinics were struck down. You know, the ones that required admitting privileges to a hospital and corridors 80" wide. The host and his callers were spitting bullets that the courts wouldn't allow them to "make it safer" for women. It seems that they found it upsetting that OSHA should be allowed to make safety rules for employees when it was clear to them that OSHA's real goal was to bankrupt private businesses. And they they never did make the logical jump that the intent of the Texas laws was to ban abortions contrary to the Constitution.
By allowing the employer to be in charge of the employees welfare is the equivalent of letting the wolf in charge of the chickens.

I have said this soooooooooo many times, yet never it never grows old:

Rules are made for employers because of the abusive practices and exploits of the past against employees.

It is your OWN fucking fault and has nothing to do with trying to control your business..but add employees to the mix? Employers may not OWN an employee. I know, I know..bitter pill to swallow.

If you're really sad about the tax code..you need not look any further than your party's 1%ers who make a killing in this country all the while benefitting from tax cuts, subsidies and the ever so popular negative effective tax rate.


Well-Known Member
By allowing the employer to be in charge of the employees welfare is the equivalent of letting the wolf in charge of the chickens.

I have said this soooooooooo many times, yet never it never grows old:

Rules are made for employers because of the abusive practices and exploits of the past.

It is your OWN fucking fault and has nothing to do with trying to control your business..but add employees to the mix? Employers may not OWN an employee.

If you're really sad about the tax code..you need not look any further than your party's 1%ers who make a killing in this country all the while benefitting from tax cuts, subsidies and the ever so popular negative effective tax rate.
but the free market...........

and what is this "my party" shit? Are you talking to me?



Well-Known Member

This proves you wrong. Though it is under the 14th Amendment. Nevertheless denying abortions is unconstitutional according to (a Republican controlled) The Supreme Court of The United States.

You are really bad at this.
That's funny dummy. I may play the edges but I am not antiabortion nor have I ever said or written that I was, ever. Sorry but you said that it was in the constitution and under the word liberty and you have yet to show me that. Read what I said "pull it up so I can look under the word liberty and see if its there. You haven't shown me the word liberty yet so how can I look under it to see if its there. So show me that it is under the word liberty. If not than I was and am still right. Dummy Learn to read and not be sloppy in thought.


Well-Known Member
That's funny dummy. I may play the edges but I am not antiabortion nor have I ever said or written that I was, ever. Sorry but you said that it was in the constitution and under the word liberty and you have yet to show me that. Read what I said "pull it up so I can look under the word liberty and see if its there. You haven't shown me the word liberty yet so how can I look under it to see if its there. So show me that it is under the word liberty. If not than I was and am still right. Dummy Learn to read and not be sloppy in thought.

The Supreme Court is established by the Constitution to decide what those words mean. They decided. You lose. ipso facto.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Personally I like it when they do that. It exposes their real intentions. Not long ago I was driving through some worthless state listening to am radio. It was right after those Texas laws about abortion clinics were struck down. You know, the ones that required admitting privileges to a hospital and corridors 80" wide. The host and his callers were spitting bullets that the courts wouldn't allow them to "make it safer" for women. It seems that they found it upsetting that OSHA should be allowed to make safety rules for employees when it was clear to them that OSHA's real goal was to bankrupt private businesses. And they they never did make the logical jump that the intent of the Texas laws was to ban abortions contrary to the Constitution.
Anyone with 2 working brain cells knew that the closure of abortion clinics was to deny women the right to choose and not about the safety of women and that doing so (closing clinics) would actually have the opposite effect of increasing safety well here's proof of it...



Well-Known Member
Anyone with 2 working brain cells knew that the closure of abortion clinics was to deny women the right to choose and not about the safety of women and that doing so (closing clinics) would actually have the opposite effect of increasing safety well here's proof of it...

Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds

As the Republican-led state legislature has slashed funding to reproductive healthcare clinics, the maternal mortality rate doubled over just a two-year period


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds

As the Republican-led state legislature has slashed funding to reproductive healthcare clinics, the maternal mortality rate doubled over just a two-year period

It is so hypocritical for the folks on the right to expect that the 2nd amendment be protected at all cost but not the 14th.

Texas lost in Roe v Wade and now they lost again get over it Texas!



Well-Known Member
By allowing the employer to be in charge of the employees welfare is the equivalent of letting the wolf in charge of the chickens.

I have said this soooooooooo many times, yet never it never grows old:

Rules are made for employers because of the abusive practices and exploits of the past against employees.

It is your OWN fucking fault and has nothing to do with trying to control your business..but add employees to the mix? Employers may not OWN an employee. I know, I know..bitter pill to swallow.

If you're really sad about the tax code..you need not look any further than your party's 1%ers who make a killing in this country all the while benefitting from tax cuts, subsidies and the ever so popular negative effective tax rate.
How do you know someone is a liar?

Supports Bernie Sanders...

Claims to earn 6 figures.