Doctors are saying NO way to higher dosages - what do we do about it?

Some 4am ramblings....I don't understand the dosage limitation given no one has died from cannabis side effects or overdosed.....I used to take 1g+ of morphine a day...wcb advised my doc not to increase it too much more...I think it may have more to do with the theory that patients with big scripts are if they limit your script size you don't have so much to share.
That is the ONLY reason. They should focus their attention on those breaking laws and leave the sick alone. As long as your meds aren't being sold, no crime is being committed. As it becomes legal and normal, diversion becomes less of a concern, imo. Prohibition-era moonshiners became an endangered species when prohibition ended.
Doc has me limited to 3 grams a day for the first 3 month's. He's aware I use around 5g daily, but didn't feel comfortable issuing that amount with me being a new patient. He said when I return to see him in 3 months he will put me up to 5.
Doc has me limited to 3 grams a day for the first 3 month's. He's aware I use around 5g daily, but didn't feel comfortable issuing that amount with me being a new patient. He said when I return to see him in 3 months he will put me up to 5.
But what's gonna happen in a year or so when it's legal? How's the doc's opinion on dosage even valid then? I don't need a doctor to tell me how much of a natural medicine I need to treat my pain...none of his business. Ditto for HC. We have the right to autonomy of our bodies and health, mmj should not (can not?) be a prescription medicine while also being sold for recreational use. MMJ patients have given up far too much of our privacy and dignity, and I intend to take mine back. (That, and I fucking hate doctors...ditto for HC! :lol:.)
I keep my grow low key, and I have my old mmar pinks in case I get hassled, and that's all I need.
that is a great point. maybe they will suggest you top up your med needs with rec weeds..
Having a product available to the general public in retail outlets kinda eliminates the need for a prescription. Why would I be required to seek permission to use cannabis as medicine, when everyone else is free to use as much as they want recreationally? If Johnny don't need a note from his doctor and permission from HC to get high on a Saturday night, I sure as fuck don't need to jump through those hoops to treat my medical condition.
Doctors used to prescribe alcohol to treat a variety of ailments but that ended about the same time as prohibition did....
theres absolutely NO DIFFERENCE who uses it to treat themselves, who ever sees fit!!

This CONTROL ISSUE will come out of the wood work plain as day!!
the ones who try and control it all, will lose out first!!! ....soon come!!

Its just the way it is..all natural like to!! ;)

cheers Losers!
you're fighting a losing battle here and its a glorious thing to watch happen.
Having a product available to the general public in retail outlets kinda eliminates the need for a prescription. Why would I be required to seek permission to use cannabis as medicine, when everyone else is free to use as much as they want recreationally? If Johnny don't need a note from his doctor and permission from HC to get high on a Saturday night, I sure as fuck don't need to jump through those hoops to treat my medical condition.
Doctors used to prescribe alcohol to treat a variety of ailments but that ended about the same time as prohibition did....

Prescriptions help to get into the medical system, so like if you're prescribed say adult diapers sometimes they are covered instead of you having to pay for them.

But yeah, really now...
... sometimes they are covered instead of you having to pay for them.

But yeah, really now...
That only works for cops and vets in the mmj world, the rest of us get no advantage. I can see what you're saying though, and I'm sure some insurance companies will start offering that coverage. Personally, I don't use the medical system at all and I am not covered by any prescription plan or anything. Having to consult a doctor in order to continue doing what I'm already doing is an intrusion in my self-prescribed treatment plan.
the 24 th will be here soon..we will see..

i want things to work out..but it does not and will not this time "look wonderful when HC is in charge.."

and that is not debatable

can they be re forced into doing the right thing is the only question here

i applaud everyones positive out look but i just do not feel like we are around much of a corner tick

as dman says ..aug 25 ..tick tick
the 24 th will be here soon..we will see..

i want things to work out..but it does not and will not this time "look wonderful when HC is in charge.."

and that is not debatable

can they be re forced into doing the right thing is the only question here

i applaud everyones positive out look but i just do not feel like we are around much of a corner tick

as dman says ..aug 25 ..tick tick
I'm not expecting any earth shattering news on the 25th. I think we live with a mmar/mmpr hybrid. I don't think they'll mess with plant counts, but they may put new rules for inspections, etc. Sure there will be things people don't like, but we'll be all right,imho. We were told this was only temporary...which brings me to my new theory.
Once cannabis is legalized, the only part of the medical mj system that will exist is a need to get a 'variance' to grow more than the 6 or whatever the number will be for rec. If you choose not to grow, or can get by with 6 or less, there is no contact with HC.
I'm not expecting any earth shattering news on the 25th. I think we live with a mmar/mmpr hybrid. I don't think they'll mess with plant counts, but they may put new rules for inspections, etc. Sure there will be things people don't like, but we'll be all right,imho. We were told this was only temporary...which brings me to my new theory.
Once cannabis is legalized, the only part of the medical mj system that will exist is a need to get a 'variance' to grow more than the 6 or whatever the number will be for rec. If you choose not to grow, or can get by with 6 or less, there is no contact with HC.

Inspections really should be challenged in court. It's one thing to have a one time certification from an electrician during construction, quite another to be subject to random searches at will of the government because you're sick.
I'm not expecting any earth shattering news on the 25th. I think we live with a mmar/mmpr hybrid. I don't think they'll mess with plant counts, but they may put new rules for inspections, etc. Sure there will be things people don't like, but we'll be all right,imho. We were told this was only temporary...which brings me to my new theory.
Once cannabis is legalized, the only part of the medical mj system that will exist is a need to get a 'variance' to grow more than the 6 or whatever the number will be for rec. If you choose not to grow, or can get by with 6 or less, there is no contact with HC.

This x2