Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment


Well-Known Member
I am not missing any of these points.

I have no gun, I fear no monsters.

Zero guns = zero gun crime.

Not zero crime...ive never claimed this.

It is true that crime will still exist and the causes of this should be addressed. There is a massive difference in being punched and being shot.

In a fit of rage if someone has no gun they can't reach for it.

Please do not assume I know about what your forefathers warned you of as I don't

(I do know they warned you against a privately owned central bank and yet you have one. One that creates debt to enslave people. Focus on that, research that, see what the implications of that are. It makes the right to own a gun issue a trivial one)

So you live in a state you can not trust?

A gun is going to fix this? It won't.

Unlicenced guns exist in all nations and yet the usa has more gun crime than most first world nations.

The more guns available, the more gun crime there will be
What has a gun done to you?

I have the right to own one for hunting, sport and defense.

It will never happen here.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Well that's a quote from Steve and didn't come out of my mouth. Luckily I can see grey.. Something you must have trouble with?
Gray area?

Except using a threat of a gun (offensive force) by a cop to take away another persons gun who hasn't harmed anyone, isn't a "grey (gray?) area" .

It's pretty black and white, which person is the own making a demand backed by offensive force...it's the cop carrying out the orders of his masters.

A thing which is lawful, can also be wrong.


Well-Known Member
The grey area lies within your inability to fully understand what you read..

Read my post, then you're very witty response with that lame meme picture..

I said I had no desire to take your guns, just prevent further sales to unstable and violent people, which all RATIONAL people agree with.

You're conflating the prevention of guns sales to unstable and violent people, with an all out retroactive ban on all firearms besides that of servicemen, which is wrong.

I have 2 firearms and I have no intention of getting rid of them, at least for the time being. So stop confusing the idea of limiting gun sales to that of an all out ban. You people are so paranoid thinking that just because 89% of the country wants to expand background checks and ban people on the no fly list from buying guns, that we're trying to remove every one of them from the country, it's just so over the top ridiculous, and it's also completely wrong..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The grey area lies within your inability to fully understand what you read..

Read my post, then you're very witty response with that lame meme picture..

I said I had no desire to take your guns, just prevent further sales to unstable and violent people, which all RATIONAL people agree with.

You're conflating the prevention of guns sales to unstable and violent people, with an all out retroactive ban on all firearms besides that of servicemen, which is wrong.

I have 2 firearms and I have no intention of getting rid of them, at least for the time being. So stop confusing the idea of limiting gun sales to that of an all out ban. You people are so paranoid thinking that just because 89% of the country wants to expand background checks and ban people on the no fly list from buying guns, that we're trying to remove every one of them from the country, it's just so over the top ridiculous, and it's also completely wrong..

Nice retort. I stand partially corrected.

The question then becomes, who decides who is rational ? Who decides who is "unstable and violent" ?

I don't think people who claim authority over me are rational, since I never gave them any authority over me. If they assume they have authority over me with or without my consent, that would make them my master wouldn't it?

I do think the aforementioned government types are violent though, in fact their violence becomes self evident at times, like when they say they are going to use guns to take guns away from people, "to prevent guns from being used offensively" .

Where do they get the power to place people on a"no fly list" without any kind of hearing for those people etc. ? Does it come from them using offensive based threats of THEIR gun ?

89% of Americans can get something wrong. A bunch of people all believing something wrong, doesn't make that thing right.


Well-Known Member
Nice retort. I stand partially corrected.
I like this. Instead of being antagonistic, you actually commend me on a good point. That is the very point of open discussion.

As far as who defines unstable, seems to me like physicians/psychiatrists would be a good place to start. If person has a record of violent behavior or is having police show up for domestic disturbances, remove the gun temporarily as a precaution. The time and all that, I cannot begin to say, that would likely be voted on in such a way that mob rules (democracy, rule of 51%).

I get your point about authority, but you essentially agree to it by remaining within this country and being a U.S. citizen.. And you're point about propensity of violence from those in authority.. I don't know if it's the job that attracts the type, or a combination of very poor training and the paranoia associated with almost everyone having a gun (statistically anyway; total guns vs total population, just that most gun owners are in possession of multiple guns, like myself). So can you blame them? I don't know.. But I think if someone is naked, they clearly aren't a threat and shouldn't be shot as a first attempt to subdue.. Something has to change, but that's a different discussion altogether.

Can 89% of Americans be wrong? Yeah, absolutely; an astonishingly high % in America believe in literal angles from heaven and deny evolution, so yeah... Clearly Americans can be dumb and irrational..