What's my best option for buying water?

Had to buy spring water gallons for a couple weeks when my well went dry. Never had a problem with them. I usually always supplement cal/mag on nute day. but regardless its pretty cheap and it didn't hurt them any.
I have well water,which goes through a softener.I am afraid the salt in the softened water won't be good for the plant's.

oh hell no don't even think about using well water that's been softened,it creates nutrient lock out at the roots and your shit will shrivel up like an old hags head,I ran 6 buckets using my softened well water when my filter got broke & will never do that shit again
I have been buying RO water at Walmart for a while,but the machine has been out of service for a while.They also sell "drinking water, spring water,and distilled water" in gallon jugs.Which one of those would be best to buy for now until they get the RO machine back in service?I have well water that goes through a softener,so I know I am better off buying water.I am growing in Fox Farm soil.Also,will I need to add Cal-Mag to all of those options?
Most houses have an alternate tap somewhere before the softener. Are you on well water?
Perhaps try one of those filters you put on your faucet? If you're on a small scale and don't need like gallons it might work. Otherwise, I would probably go with the Spring Water. Just because it might have some kind of valuable thing in there. I don't know really. Distilled is probably the purest.
Perhaps try one of those filters you put on your faucet? If you're on a small scale and don't need like gallons it might work. Otherwise, I would probably go with the Spring Water. Just because it might have some kind of valuable thing in there. I don't know really. Distilled is probably the purest.

it all depends....we tried that....it was going out the back over fill in a week maybe.... filled up so fast it wasnt even funny.

Even when you used it and cooked the water it was like a layer of cloudy silt at the bottom still.
Do your neighbors have trees? Yards? Where does the water to keep all that green shit alive come from? I'm guessing your 450ppm would save you money in nutes, and you can bypass the softener, surely, somewhere. Did you test the water, or look it up or did someone tell you those numbers? I am asking because I have read a thousand threads like this, but often people find tap water is fine. Otherwise, use Spring water, not distilled...are your plants in soil? Checked your original post, yes soil...so just use tap or spring water, no cal mag needed.The very things that make your water hard are magnesium and calcium! Use the tap, bro.

Also, what about using potassium chloride for your softener? Isn't that supposed to be better for plants? I don't know that bit
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There's the idea of chorine vs. chloramine in city water, now with the increased use of chloramine these days.
We have chlorine, in tiny amounts. It evaporates so fast I actually add 6 drops per gallon of liquid bleach to my reservoirs about once a week when I am running Blumats, to keep them from needing change-out or cleaning except between runs. I added some to my crazy rdwc cloner contraption too, when I had bacterial growth show up. They are all rooted and doing great. People worry a lot, these plants are not a bunch of sissies. Insecticides, though, I am paranoid about that, don't want it near my flowers!
But tap water and bleach are my friends, all day long.