Clones not rooting


New Member
Hey, bout a week or two ago. I cut some clones from a mother plant that was like 2/3 weeks into flowering. I was originally going to do the water cloning technique and let it root in there (throw it in a cup of water). But after bout 5 days (idk I wasn't keeping track) I changed my mind. I brought some rockwool cubes, clonex n a cloning tray. N ever since They've been chillin in there but for the last 2 days I've been seeing white bumps on the stem but no roots. Idk what the problem is, I feel like it's making the roots but not rooting. Help me plz:wall::(:???:


Well-Known Member
Hey, bout a week or two ago. I cut some clones from a mother plant that was like 2/3 weeks into flowering. I was originally going to do the water cloning technique and let it root in there (throw it in a cup of water). But after bout 5 days (idk I wasn't keeping track) I changed my mind. I brought some rockwool cubes, clonex n a cloning tray. N ever since They've been chillin in there but for the last 2 days I've been seeing white bumps on the stem but no roots. Idk what the problem is, I feel like it's making the roots but not rooting. Help me plz:wall::(:???:
I have never heard of rooting clones in water, that sounds like a mistake, without roots they really dont uptake much water, they get most the moisture they need from their leaves. This being said you have to keep the air around them very humid and the rockwool they are in wet but not soaked. If you can, twice a day spray the clones with water and spray the dome around them with water.

When you take a clone cut it and place it directly in a cup of water. Once you have taken all the clones u need then take them one at a time freshly cut the bottom of the stem, dip in clonex and plant in rockwool.

Be patient ive had strains that routinely didn't root for 2 week, others root in 4 days. If you can id take a few more clones but keep the ones u took cuz they may root they just might be slow, white bumps are the start of roots.


Well-Known Member
Hey, bout a week or two ago. I cut some clones from a mother plant that was like 2/3 weeks into flowering. I was originally going to do the water cloning technique and let it root in there (throw it in a cup of water). But after bout 5 days (idk I wasn't keeping track) I changed my mind. I brought some rockwool cubes, clonex n a cloning tray. N ever since They've been chillin in there but for the last 2 days I've been seeing white bumps on the stem but no roots. Idk what the problem is, I feel like it's making the roots but not rooting. Help me plz:wall::(:???:
It might take a little longer for them to root taking them from a plant 3 weeks into flower.
I use rockwool too, i keep them as dry as possible. To give you an idea the cubes weigh 4 grams dry and about 23 grams wet. I cut my clones, dip em in cloning powder, put em in the rockwool cubes, and into the dome. I don't spray the leaves, the dome, no heating mat nothing. Just don't let the rw dry out completely and they should root 7-10 days normally. If they're thirsty and want a drink they're gonna have to grow some roots. Give it a shot like that it might improve your odds.


Well-Known Member
There are 2 important facts to remember about clone moms. First, moms need to be at least 5 weeks in dirt with 6 weeks better. Second, moms at 12/12 are only good donors for the first week at 12/12. After that first week flowering the plant will start showing signs of flowering and that means waiting 4-6 weeks for clones to root.

There is a theory that cuttings should be made near the dirt where rooting hormones are supposed to be most present. Au contraire, The best clones are the top 8-10 inches of the main cola. Topping for a clone from the main cola will also keep the plant shorter and also provide more bud sites, potential clones. I top during veg mode when the plant has been in dirt about 3 weeks.

Good luck, BigSteve.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
the white bumps on the stalks will burst roots,I suspect your misting them to much n too high humidity,clones root faster when they must to survive,too much misting n high humidity can make the cutting slow rooting


Well-Known Member
the white bumps on the stalks will burst roots,I suspect your misting them to much n too high humidity,clones root faster when they must to survive,too much misting n high humidity can make the cutting slow rooting
I'll disagree with this comment. My clone domes are on heat mats and I keep a 1/2 inch of water standing in the domes at all times. I've found the closer to 100% humidity I have the better my success rate is. In fact, I expect to see condensation on the inside of each dome every time I check. The standing water does great for keeping the RH high.

Good luck, BigSteve.