Why are you voting for..........


Well-Known Member
brief invasions ? the killing goes on to this day ! as to cites I'll trust the word of leaders in the region over our leaders any day whove proven themselves incapable of telling the truth

Turkish president erdogan

Yemen cite

us overthrow libya explained in Hillary's emails,we don't need to look at victims of US air strikes on Libyan soil do we?

us destruction of syria,again hopefully we don't need to show all the dead for a cite of US unlawful agression
It is awesome that Putin and Iran let you post their stuff for free. You can save your money for Klan bbqs.


Well-Known Member
It is awesome that Putin and Iran let you post their stuff for free. You can save your money for Klan bbqs.
poor stupid kid thinks neo-nazi propaganda youtube videos count as citation. he's just so mad at the (((jewish overlords))).

one day soon his 9th grade teacher will correct him on that. but he will just call him a jew and start rambling about whatever WHITE_GENOCIDE1488 posted in his latest video.

at least his mom cooks him nice suppers. so there's that.


Well-Known Member
poor stupid kid thinks neo-nazi propaganda youtube videos count as citation. he's just so mad at the (((jewish overlords))).

one day soon his 9th grade teacher will correct him on that. but he will just call him a jew and start rambling about whatever WHITE_GENOCIDE1488 posted in his latest video.

at least his mom cooks him nice suppers. so there's that.
I see a long life of him getting his ass kicked.


Well-Known Member
Flat earth!

on a side note, i have been spending some of my free time going through racially charged articles on facebook, and trying to find someone dumb enough to make a racist comment AND list their place of employment. for the most part, these people are all unemployable losers. not a single one of them so far has actually held a job, besides their own little rinky dink antique shop in UP michigan.

but i just had my first success, sending screenshots of how 'wayne m' says we need to "see how huma abedin's clit was cut off because all muslims do it differently' to the toyota dealership he works for. asked if the regional and corporate directors were aware of how their employees were representing their dealerships on social media.

he'll be looking for a new job soon. sorry, wayne. not sorry though.


Well-Known Member

on a side note, i have been spending some of my free time going through racially charged articles on facebook, and trying to find someone dumb enough to make a racist comment AND list their place of employment. for the most part, these people are all unemployable losers. not a single one of them so far has actually held a job, besides their own little rinky dink antique shop in UP michigan.

but i just had my first success, sending screenshots of how 'wayne m' says we need to "see how huma abedin's clit was cut off because all muslims do it differently' to the toyota dealership he works for. asked if the regional and corporate directors were aware of how their employees were representing their dealerships on social media.

he'll be looking for a new job soon. sorry, wayne. not sorry though.
It is yeoman's work but must be done.


Well-Known Member
damm,I was hoping for another meltdown,on your last drive by virtue signaling meltdown u managed to include Nazi racist and flat earth in a single sentence :bigjoint:

its OK,u can go back to your safe space now lol
That makes one of us. Does your stepdad still come down to your basement on stormy nights with that big rubber fist?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member

on a side note, i have been spending some of my free time going through racially charged articles on facebook, and trying to find someone dumb enough to make a racist comment AND list their place of employment. for the most part, these people are all unemployable losers. not a single one of them so far has actually held a job, besides their own little rinky dink antique shop in UP michigan.

but i just had my first success, sending screenshots of how 'wayne m' says we need to "see how huma abedin's clit was cut off because all muslims do it differently' to the toyota dealership he works for. asked if the regional and corporate directors were aware of how their employees were representing their dealerships on social media.

he'll be looking for a new job soon. sorry, wayne. not sorry though.
wow that's fucked,you actually go out of your way to snitch people out,probably call 911 on people,call peoples PO,tell guys wife's shit they don't know,and all the while posting on a pot forum & snitching your ass off


Well-Known Member
wow that's fucked,you actually go out of your way to snitch people out,probably call 911 on people,call peoples PO,tell guys wife's shit they don't know,and all the while posting on a pot forum & snitching your ass off
kiddo, if you ever actually ran a business, you would know that i was doing a favor for the dozens of other employees who work there. no one wants to be associated with a racist, much less a business that depends on word of mouth and good relations with all parts of the community.

but you are just a little angry neo-nazi 14 year old earning a few extra rubles during the summer by spamming a pot website with your ridiculous nonsense.


second amendment yourself.


Well-Known Member
brief invasions ? the killing goes on to this day ! as to cites I'll trust the word of leaders in the region over our leaders any day whove proven themselves incapable of telling the truth

Turkish president erdogan

Yemen cite

us overthrow libya explained in Hillary's emails,we don't need to look at victims of US air strikes on Libyan soil do we?

us destruction of syria,again hopefully we don't need to show all the dead for a cite of US unlawful agression
Sorry, I meant citations from credible sources.

I thought that would have been a clear assumption. I guess not.