This year so far...

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200 gallon homemade built smartpot...Amendments used; kelp meal ,blood meal , bulb meal , composted chicken,horse,rabbit manure, bone meal, EWC, garden tone, rose fert spikes.... used EWC aerated compost tea and when time to water ( veg stage) aloe vera juice , fish fert and mineral dust or whatever it's called and (flower stage) ff tiger bloom and epsoma bloom booster with aloe Vera juice and Blackstrap molasses. Still got 5 weeks left. Imma expand to a 400 gallon next grow. As I go see her I'll post pics of updates plus harvest total plus dry weight.



i top at bout 5 weeks old that split it to a devils horn. while the new topped growth is stunted the lower node growth has exploded. by the time the lower growth reaches the topped portion (the topd portion)will have started back its growth so everything is bout even then i lst them all going out spoke formation and cover everything that isnt a node or potentielly a bud site that way when it has grown up it lokks like several plants. the strain is really a unknown but last year i had someone give me a haze seed that turned out to be male but i pollinated it with the best bagseed ive ever smoked from mississippi its a f1 cross that isnt stabilzed yet but i call it mississippi haze

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
. . . . . the strain is really a unknown but last year i had someone give me a haze seed that turned out to be male but i pollinated it with the best bagseed ive ever smoked from mississippi its a f1 cross that isnt stabilzed yet but i call it mississippi haze
When you and your buddies want to get together for a smokeout, but you can't talk openly, you could always say "Mississippi burning."


larry i thought about an awesome name when i read your comment how about mississippi hippie.? and everybody smokes down here judges cops lawyers doctors hobos rich kids broke kids everybody so its pretty open smokeouts popo just dont like to catch growers tho... down here its a mandatory 20 year before parole for a plant so yeah my buddy from a while back just got popped with 125 plants in his corn field i told him you cant create a giant heat signal for them planes to catch but he didnt listen hell im paranoid bout 1 or 2 but i know they should be alright


after a 3 week seperation from her i wasn't suprised that she was gonna be thirsty, especially since it aint rained the usual weekends. but watered with the usual mix as stated in op, she'll snapback tho.

