So is This Guy For Real?


Well-Known Member
So Ive been following this guy on youtube for a while... In the last few recent months or year I can remember he has started to show his own grow light that hes made out of LEDs.

He will not give me the make or model of them but swears it will out preform a Gavita.

Now I know most people around here are about efficiency... But I cant stand misinformation at all and Ive been commenting on his videos but they just get ignored.

He states that his are the best currently out on the planet... with his 5W diodes.... Anyways check it out if you want to grab his light for testing... or if you want a good laugh either way.!perfect-sun-led-grow-lights/q4urt

The only reason that Im posting this is to:

1. Show that people still have no idea what the details are of a good quality LED growlight are.

2. To show another light for real testing if someone wants to.

3. To see what other people are growing with so post you pics of your lights and estimated PPFD!
So Ive been following this guy on youtube for a while... In the last few recent months or year I can remember he has started to show his own grow light that hes made out of LEDs.

He will not give me the make or model of them but swears it will out preform a Gavita.

Now I know most people around here are about efficiency... But I cant stand misinformation at all and Ive been commenting on his videos but they just get ignored.

He states that his are the best currently out on the planet... with his 5W diodes.... Anyways check it out if you want to grab his light for testing... or if you want a good laugh either way.!perfect-sun-led-grow-lights/q4urt

The only reason that Im posting this is to:

1. Show that people still have no idea what the details are of a good quality LED growlight are.

2. To show another light for real testing if someone wants to.

3. To see what other people are growing with so post you pics of your lights and estimated PPFD!
This guy's a fucking idiot. Cobs cam get 2k umols at 1ft easy.
He will not give me the make or model of them but swears it will out preform a Gavita.

Ring the Alarm Bells lol......Hmmm makes you wonder if he is even using quality diodes in that reference Rip off of his?

Now I know most people around here are about efficiency... But I cant stand misinformation at all and Ive been commenting on his videos but they just get ignored.

Not answering question ...makes you wonder what he has got to hide or is ashamed to tell?

He states that his are the best currently out on the planet... with his 5W diodes....

Riiight guessing these facts are out there somwhere, what with his complete lack of details and failure to answer comments pmsl.

Anyways check it out if you want to grab his light for testing.... or if you want a good laugh either way.

Think I will pass up this wonderful opportunity ...and if I want a good laugh I will go watch his oooomoles video again:p
Guys, when you see these type of 60 degree reflectors, it tells you immediately what diodes are in it. These reflectors are meant to snap onto these kind of chips

will thayer epistar 1.jpg
photo: courtesy of @Will Thayer

If you know your led history, the active base heat slug style leds are old ass tech.

heatsink slug leds.png
pretty much anything else is going to be better than this.
history of diodes.png

And here is what they cost retail to some Joe off the street buying 20 lots. so we are talking 30 cent diodes when purchased in bulk.

epistar bridgelux diode prices.JPG
Yeah that latest video he posted put me over on posting over here... Like I understand that he wants to get his money... but I mean at least research what you put your money into. I woke up to this joke of a video this morning and just had to share. Thanks @Growmau5 for the info!
Yeah that latest video he posted put me over on posting over here... Like I understand that he wants to get his money... but I mean at least research what you put your money into. I woke up to this joke of a video this morning and just had to share. Thanks @Growmau5 for the info!
I commend the guy, & I don't like hating on people just to be a dick. At the end of the day, he is an entrepreneur just like me or you (except with a weirder haircut and a puka necklace).

he wants to make some cash in this LED game while the getting is good , since most consumers don't know what an Epistar is.

So you call china, ask them if they have any cases and any boards with "revolutionary growth spectrum" , you order 100 pieces, triple to 5x mark up like blackdog and Kind, and you make some videos.
then you ride it out as long as you can, delete the youtube comments from customers that bought your product and cant beat 0.75gpw.

all in a days work.

I don't think the OOOOOOOOOOOmols thing will ever grow old, even now as I look at your post and type away I am still in hysterics, this guys a complete legend wierd haircut and all, his stoner girlfriend kills it as well :lol::lol::lol:
right, this dude is just trying to cash in, and is talking in circles. focused on a 4x4 tent that you could get a full grow with 100w if you wanted.