Club 600


Well-Known Member

Mmmkay :-D
Big city lights. Best purp I've come across.
View attachment 3771077

Brewing more tea tomorrow, sticking to the 6 day schedule... Get you one more batch a month :-)

If trump ever tries to get you to name your nug "Trump Weed," dont take him up on it. Its not a good brand.

But if you see your weed wearing a bleach blonde toupee and getting rather orange then i'm sorry my friend you have already lost.

On a more reasonable note; please build me a tree house in one of those plants


Well-Known Member
If trump ever tries to get you to name your nug "Trump Weed," dont take him up on it. Its not a good brand.

But if you see your weed wearing a bleach blonde toupee and getting rather orange then i'm sorry my friend you have already lost.

On a more reasonable note; please build me a tree house in one of those plants
I'd say she's taking a winter vacation :-)



Well-Known Member
DST, you referring to traxx not Chaka? About suing?
I certainly wouldn't sue. Like skunkwreck said, accidents can happen. We have known this lady for a good while now and she certainly wouldn't be deliberately standing on our child. Again, each to their own.
And I was also commenting on supchakas post. While understanding reasoning, as I said, I also don't really. There's so many douchebags that own things (me included, lol). But to stay away from communicating with other because of it, I just don't see the point. I will chop my nose off to spite my face is how I look at it. Anyway, Friday, keep the pics coming whodat, we need our Pr0ns.:)


Well-Known Member
We use to cut the filters off the end of cigs. Then push out the foam bit and then slip the filter section over the end of a joint so it looked like a ciggy. I seen club bouncers furiously looking for the source of da ganja reik and being dumbfounded. I've even had one grab my arm to take a look at my hem cigarette I mean....only to stomp off to a cuse someone else lol.


Well-Known Member
No need to
We use to cut the filters off the end of cigs. Then push out the foam bit and then slip the filter section over the end of a joint so it looked like a ciggy. I seen club bouncers furiously looking for the source of da ganja reik and being dumbfounded. I've even had one grab my arm to take a look at my hem cigarette I mean....only to stomp off to a cuse someone else lol.
I've heard of all kinds of ways to sneak a smoke at a club, but this is the coolest. I've been to tons of bars and pubs and such, but I've never been to a single concert or club that I didn't know the owner or manager of the venue so I've never had to sneak anything in yet, I sometimes forget how lucky I've been for poor white trash haha!


Well-Known Member
With all the e-cig craze, I find it really easy to just pull out a oil/dab pen and take a big rip! No one seems to notice or care.
Pulled the cig joint move at a Rockies game before, security walked off with the fella standing a few feet away from me lol
Lol. Tell me about it. My dab pen was the only thing that French customs let me keep....they thought it was an e-cig haha. Thank God they didn't open it as there was a lump ready to resin as well. I could smell it sitting in their office. One of them could obviously smell it as well as he asked to search my jacket again.....and that was after a strip and grab and raise demand nuts search lol.