what do you guys got haha


Well-Known Member
pics or it didnt happen.

kilo of skama trade for 30k 2 mg xanax
3 weeks?
fwm in florida
Im headimg to floroda about sept 22 or so. Also going to costa rica in november.

Fwm. I am anigfing a ball at thw aill of arhn gary.

I wanted to kuat key nump but gare was all "who are you PhiLadelphia collins"

Responsable answer I head was "sf go kill ur self. I left. Bread knife in the sink"

I wNna cry but cocaine


Well-Known Member
Ill probably aeize out thw way theae assholea made me do linea and bumps. I bumped through fyre in less then 3 hours on 2 grams or ao after seeinf thw girl

I may be wrong.

I think i did about .8-1 on cam.

Eithwr way, wherr the bridge


Well-Known Member
I had a ball to start the night amd a bit extra. I only touched the bag.

@srh88 sorry if I was a dik <3

@anyone who hated my attitude.

Say its bad coke but i done about 58g this week. Im disgusted. I haven been sober at work minus today. Wtf and i am using knives?

Meh. My brother was fucked off for 2 days and hasmt spoken to me since.

I am the type that shars his half punce over 3 days. Joint every 156 min of that gdpxsour diseal.

that and shiska is my fav¸
my main nigga called me and was all ^:calm dowm dude or u cant come back to my house ur acting alll skitch:u

asked how his respinse was dont be a retard dude i am ur mans I knwo yoiu. aftrer trying to argue ya,

he was nice walking me home., pukes


Well-Known Member
I had a ball to start the night amd a bit extra. I only touched the bag.

@srh88 sorry if I was a dik <3

@anyone who hated my attitude.

Say its bad coke but i done about 58g this week. Im disgusted. I haven been sober at work minus today. Wtf and i am using knives?

Meh. My brother was fucked off for 2 days and hasmt spoken to me since.

I am the type that shars his half punce over 3 days. Joint everything are. All i ever want is respectback. Like if i get into it at thw bar i call u u come solve it!

Lol drunk ass


Well-Known Member
Basically i saw a fjght at comfort zone

Im sure someone got stabbed.

Why did i go to that ahithole?

Ugh good djz are there..

Terrible drugs but games of pool we bet with vials of whateber u got.

I wont 1g of meth and 6 vials of k in 1 game jts split between teams

I loat 2.4 grams blkw.

Thays whwre i took the girl

Im bery romantic


Well-Known Member
I had a ball to start the night amd a bit extra. I only touched the bag.

@srh88 sorry if I was a dik <3

@anyone who hated my attitude.

Say its bad coke but i done about 58g this week. Im disgusted. I haven been sober at work minus today. Wtf and i am using knives?

Meh. My brother was fucked off for 2 days and hasmt spoken to me since.

I am the type that shars his half punce over 3 days. Joint everything are. All i ever want is respectback. Like if i get into it at thw bar i call u u come solve it!

Sup dude?


Well-Known Member
Just hit me I have not been aober in over a month.

Cat lady fucked my mjnd up as most ladies do.

I aill learn.

I love thedramA tho cant lie


Well-Known Member
When my cousin introsuced me to thia aouth american dude. My life got weird.

Like we are talking hanging out in bars having dicks in my hands and oowder


Well-Known Member
I hate reAl life drama..
Same brah.

This girl wants a q of weex i saix 55 or 60 if i gotta cab it(im hammed)

She doesnt even want blow.

Meh 60 and ill probably fond a drive. Its not far but its friday and i am in a bad area for canada.

I dont need the hassle.