new amish fucker tat
View attachment 3774788
what do u think and before u ask the dates are family death
mother 05-01-02
little brother 04-09-09
father 08-10-16
skull verison of me for the right armIs it supposed to be you?
350 totalHow much that set you back?
So that's what you were doing in OR. nice tribute!
I'm going to give you some excellent advice, perhaps.
If or when u go to have any touch-up work, consider adding some original AmFu amish hair to that new creature of yours, if not hair, flames, or something. It'll balance and subdue that glossy dome just the right amount.
When you die, will you add another date below?
RIU pays me to get it done and a yearly amount i would get one and wear it proudly ........but i doubt they will give me money or they want me any where near there name/corp profile ......i am a bit to crazy i think unless they are looking for that one day i make national news with a RIU tatted on my ass mooning the cameraWhere's the RIU logo? Can't forget your points, bro!
i want to be out of here before thanksgiving ......i want to try nice lady food for that dayWhat's the latest you'll be in OR by?
That's cool man as long as you dig it that's all that matters ...good to hear you in good spirits with plans to do some cool shit in the near future .....good for you amish fuckernew amish fucker tat
View attachment 3774788
what do u think and before u ask the dates are family death
mother 05-01-02
little brother 04-09-09
father 08-10-16
knuckle bumpThat's cool man as long as you dig it that's all that matters ...good to hear you in good spirits with plans to do some cool shit in the near future .....good for you amish fucker
so howd you get the tat?
or whatd you have to do ....
i know you didnt pay in $
dont worry your secrets safe in tnt
knuckle bump
i made the choice to do it next year anyways before this happend ....really all this does is cut 5 years of work off the plate for me i could retire by the time i am 45 now
i been working on this in my head now for 4 months .......researching looking up things asking what if .....out there i can openly market my skills instead of trying to do it here with the chance of 25 to life
i will not lie i was a horrible kid i cost my family nearly 3/4 million in doctors and legal bills for the last 5 years i been dealing weed and giving my father everything i make i figure i covered about 387k of the 720k debt out to him ....i was planning on taken half of what i made out there and given it to him
money is not a issue to me never has been .......i am the amish fucker why would u not spot me something (flip that shit in less then a week not doing anything but answering the phone) ...really that is all i do
oregon is a heaven to a person like me ......all those illegal skills i learned can earn me 10 times what i make here with a shit load less stress ....hell i get my medical card i can use the cash i have and go around buying up weed from ppl's grow then i just sit on it for 3 months when the market is dry and get 33 to 50% return on that money all so putting me on the top of the list of the guy to call when need something (that rep prints money)
it is a open market wild wild west .......get yourself a slice
well i went up and sawl the guy last thursday ........he did my other one i put 100 bucks down for the time slot told him what i wanted and came back tuesday got supper high sat down in this chair and he started the outline finished it ........then he let me go get a smoke and a few vape oil hits .......then i answered text msgs and returned a call on a trademark thing with lawyer ....when in and he started filling in the color ...ran out of paper towels hot boxed a smoke took 3 hits of vape pipe ..sat down and he finished it up
gave him a vape hit and told would back by in 2-3 days drop off some tops for him (cola tops i been saving as samples of experiments ) ......john and eric are getting them
eric is other artist with a bulldog ........i know some shit about bulldogs thanks to grandmother (100% off the boat English) ....he smoked took a vape hit ....we talked shop his and mine ...told would drop tops off
when down the stairs john told the dude 350 .....i dropped 100 for the time slot so 250 .....i just gotten paid for what sold while i was out so i pull out 1800 wad take off 250 and shove the rest in pocket
offered the ppl a oil hit .....said i be back........sent the pic out to buddies
it was cover up of a tag ........long story short
14 house party tread needle India ink a good buddy mistake was giving him pills before he started ......he got to fucked up during it came out god i kept it all this time to remind me not to do that again bulk of that old life is dead now and i am going legal i got something new put on that holds some meaning to me (i am basically debt free with no one i have to answer too with enough cash and skills to do anything i want before i am to old to really enjoy it ) ..... if the plan goes even 1/3 the way i think it will i will end up traveling around and just being happy nice max to places for corp tax right offs
350 bucks and 4 top jars (20 grams) .........once this heals i go back and john will touch up anything i need too before i leave the state for free
I wish I could explain to him all the things wrong with his "plan".knuckle bump
i made the choice to do it next year anyways before this happend ....really all this does is cut 5 years of work off the plate for me i could retire by the time i am 45 now
i been working on this in my head now for 4 months .......researching looking up things asking what if .....out there i can openly market my skills instead of trying to do it here with the chance of 25 to life
i will not lie i was a horrible kid i cost my family nearly 3/4 million in doctors and legal bills for the last 5 years i been dealing weed and giving my father everything i make i figure i covered about 387k of the 720k debt out to him ....i was planning on taken half of what i made out there and given it to him
money is not a issue to me never has been .......i am the amish fucker why would u not spot me something (flip that shit in less then a week not doing anything but answering the phone) ...really that is all i do
oregon is a heaven to a person like me ......all those illegal skills i learned can earn me 10 times what i make here with a shit load less stress ....hell i get my medical card i can use the cash i have and go around buying up weed from ppl's grow then i just sit on it for 3 months when the market is dry and get 33 to 50% return on that money all so putting me on the top of the list of the guy to call when need something (that rep prints money)
it is a open market wild wild west .......get yourself a slice
well i went up and sawl the guy last thursday ........he did my other one i put 100 bucks down for the time slot told him what i wanted and came back tuesday got supper high sat down in this chair and he started the outline finished it ........then he let me go get a smoke and a few vape oil hits .......then i answered text msgs and returned a call on a trademark thing with lawyer ....when in and he started filling in the color ...ran out of paper towels hot boxed a smoke took 3 hits of vape pipe ..sat down and he finished it up
gave him a vape hit and told would back by in 2-3 days drop off some tops for him (cola tops i been saving as samples of experiments ) ......john and eric are getting them
eric is other artist with a bulldog ........i know some shit about bulldogs thanks to grandmother (100% off the boat English) ....he smoked took a vape hit ....we talked shop his and mine ...told would drop tops off
when down the stairs john told the dude 350 .....i dropped 100 for the time slot so 250 .....i just gotten paid for what sold while i was out so i pull out 1800 wad take off 250 and shove the rest in pocket
offered the ppl a oil hit .....said i be back........sent the pic out to buddies
it was cover up of a tag ........long story short
14 house party tread needle India ink a good buddy mistake was giving him pills before he started ......he got to fucked up during it came out god i kept it all this time to remind me not to do that again bulk of that old life is dead now and i am going legal i got something new put on that holds some meaning to me (i am basically debt free with no one i have to answer too with enough cash and skills to do anything i want before i am to old to really enjoy it ) ..... if the plan goes even 1/3 the way i think it will i will end up traveling around and just being happy nice max to places for corp tax right offs
350 bucks and 4 top jars (20 grams) .........once this heals i go back and john will touch up anything i need too before i leave the state for free
the depakote did that more then 20 years agoThat's going to interfere with your swimwear modelling. Shame too - Amish is the next big thing.
A man's gotta have dreams. And ya gotta pursue them. Travel broadens the mind, expands one's horizons- and I saw one of the dates on your new tat was very recent, it's good to have something to focus on.
I wish you nothing but the best in OR, buddy! I'm just a wee bit bummed you didn't choose Colorado. You better come visit!
i like it matches the other one and marks me in my choosen area of work .......u see that tattoo u think stoner/weedI think that came out pretty tight man, as long as you like it that's all that matters
knuckle bumpLooks bad ass... I say it was worth every dollar you paid!
Sounds like a slam dunk for @GreatwhiteNorthand no when my older brother dies then i add that one ...........for myself
i have to get it made up ......i want to be taken out of the hospital with out being cut open moved to a boat ppl clear out my things (hat computer bong u know amish fucker stuff) bring it to the boat they go 12 miles out load my dead body into a dingie with myself and soak me down with gas shine and diesel ........kick the boat off and shoot roman candles at it until i go up .....person that lights my ass on fire gets the bulk of my left over weed for the party after i am toasted on the boat
that is my plan
need to drawl it up and pay for the transport to the docks and the party boat that can go out plus a open bar they are 12 miles out they are in international waters and it is legal for them to do that to me they can get trashed on what ever they want legally on my dime
i want to be out of here before thanksgiving ......i want to try nice lady food for that day
latest is the beginning of next year jan 1st
If I can use my flare gun I'm totally on board with this. But I'd rather roll you around weekend at Bernie's style first.kick the boat off and shoot roman candles at it until i go up