roots problem


Active Member
Hi, my plant is only on day 17, and the roots have already grown through the bottom of a 10" pot! This doesn't seem normal does it? I water it whenever the soil is dry which has been about once a week. I suppose I should transplant to a bigger pot, and I guess I'll start watering more. How does that sound? Thanks everyone!:peace:

EDIT: After looking through some of the grow jornals, I feel like my plant is growing slower than most. If you look at the pics, you'll notice the outer margins of the leaves are curled slightly upward. The color of the leaves is a uniform light green while the 2 biggest leaves are a little darker yet still light green.

Here's my setup:
2.5 ft x 8 ft closet
1 tall oscillating fan
two - 23w cfls 6400k running 18/6 at 7" from top of plant
65% Scotts premium potting soil (0.07-0.01-0.03) mixed with 35% Miracle Grow perlite (which is enriched with MG plant food 0.04-0.01-0.06)
temps range from 78*F to 87*F
soil ph is 6.0

I had the light alot closer for the first week (about 4"), but raised it to 7" when I noticed the curling. Could the plant still be getting over the shock from that, or could it be nute burn from the soil/perltie combo or what? Thanks again.


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Seems "good" normal to me.

If it were me I wouldn't transplant yet. I'd wait until the growth up top took off for awhile and the plant was a bit larger. One or two roots coming out of the bottom doesn't mean it's rootbound/needs transplanting.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
yep, good rule of thumb:

when the plant is as tall as the pot is wide, transplant. doesn't always work perfect (severe stretch for instance) but it works great for me.



Well-Known Member
That pot looks good to me for a long time, until the plants gets about 6 more inches from where it is.


how are you checking if your soil is dry? just check an inch down with your finger... once its not moist any more at that level filler up... besides that just make sure that its getting lots of light and doesn't look like any obvious problems... it could spring into life at any time


Well-Known Member
if you are wondering about a lack of growth, it's probably do to shock from being transplanted early. give it time, it'll do it's thing.

here's a good saying for you...

patience and potency are practically synonymous.

don't be over eager; just stand by, and watch; it's a plant, it'll grow if you let it...


Well-Known Member
You'll be surprised when it comes to growing herb. If you look at most journals, the ones that update frequently you'll see a drastic difference in a plant in as little as 2 days sometimes. They do that, chill for a while, then it's like BLAM! they explode. Your all good dude, looking green and all. Keep the light close and keep it moist and she'll be a monster in no time.


Well-Known Member
I went back one more time to check it out. You have no kinda stretching going on. That thing is going to be a bush. Nice!


Active Member
Day 21:
I just noticed the bottom 2 true leaves are starting to get some yellow spots towards the tips. Check out the pics Any ideas?
Also, when I do transplant, should I cut the roots that have grown through the bottom?

Thanks everyone for the advice!:peace:



Active Member
Another question: When should I start adding fertilizer? My soil is: 65% Scotts premium potting soil (0.07-0.01-0.03) mixed with 35% Miracle Grow perlite (which is enriched with MG plant food 0.04-0.01-0.06). The Scott's says that it feeds up to 4 months.


Active Member
Day 21:
I just noticed the bottom 2 true leaves are starting to get some yellow spots towards the tips. Check out the pics Any ideas?
Also, when I do transplant, should I cut the roots that have grown through the bottom?

Thanks everyone for the advice!:peace:
Another question: When should I start adding fertilizer? My soil is: 65% Scotts premium potting soil (0.07-0.01-0.03) mixed with 35% Miracle Grow perlite (which is enriched with MG plant food 0.04-0.01-0.06). The Scott's says that it feeds up to 4 months.
Help me out guys! Thanks