My Outdoor Sativa not Flowering after 4 month


New Member
Hey guys,
Sorry for my bad english, I'm not an native English speaker

I planted 3 regular of unknown sativa on my roof top 4 months ago. The strong wind from the storm that went through my city killed 2 of them last month T_T

Now I have only one left and It haven't showed any signal of Flowering. I'm living in SE Asia and its already autumn now. The day time are shorten but still no sight of anything.

I'm start wondering if its a male because its have nothing for me to identify T_T It keep bigger and bigger, now its already 180 cm and very bushy. Male cannabis plant cant be bushy, do they?
And is there any method to force it to start flower? By fertilizer or some stuff like that?

Thank you guy so much.


Well-Known Member
Sativa`s can take 6 months to 2 years to flower if they are certain land races

they normally won`t show sex until the days are under 14 or even 12 or 10 hours long

your best chance is to cover the plant so it gets no light for a whole day or 2

in the future you can make the day 10 or 12 hours long by covering the plant and also covering it for a day when it is smaller to start it off flowering sooner

Maybe once it shows sex some more PK in its food will help it flower more and faster

Good luck


New Member
Sativa`s can take 6 months to 2 years to flower if they are certain land races

they normally won`t show sex until the days are under 14 or even 12 or 10 hours long

your best chance is to cover the plant so it gets no light for a whole day or 2

in the future you can make the day 10 or 12 hours long by covering the plant and also covering it for a day when it is smaller to start it off flowering sooner

Maybe once it shows sex some more PK in its food will help it flower more and faster

Good luck
Some strains can take up to 2 years? holy crap, this is new for me.
The pot I put it in is just too big because It used to have 3 plants in it.

If it wont flowering soon it will become too big and can draw attention.
Thanks for your advise, I already fed it with PK nutrient from last week, I will try to cover it up for 1 - 2 day. Hope the girl wont let me down T_T


Well-Known Member
Some strains can take up to 2 years? holy crap, this is new for me.
The pot I put it in is just too big because It used to have 3 plants in it.

If it wont flowering soon it will become too big and can draw attention.
Thanks for your advise, I already fed it with PK nutrient from last week, I will try to cover it up for 1 - 2 day. Hope the girl wont let me down T_T

remember you can cut the plant to make it shorter

sativas normally don`t mind being topped, cut shorter to grow bushy the top of the plant will get more light and be wider but yes once a sativa starts flowering it can take 80 to 120 days for a true sativa

that is why people normally grow faster flowering sativa dominate hybrids, they take 7 to 10 weeks to flower and "auto" sativa`s will flower much sooner in the year normally by the time they grow to node 4 to 10