Anyone ever get a fungal rash from a plant??


Well-Known Member
Doc said I prob have a fungal rash?? I haven't been in the woods or mowed my grass in months... Could it be from a marijuana plant??


Well-Known Member
Been in any hot tubs lately or cummunial bathrooms?

More likely you picked it up from a human source....


Well-Known Member
Nope I barely touch people.
Its not so much about the touching of others, but being where others have touched lol
Seriously though, I've never heard of anyone getting a fungal infection from their cannabis plant. Could it be an allergy to something?
New laundry detergent,new cologne/deodorant,that girl from last weekend etc.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana allergies definitely exist. One of my former roommates put two buds over his eyes for a photo and his eyes swelled up for a couple hours. He didn't have any other issues with cannabis usage but he didn't grow either so he wasn't in contact with plants.

Fungal rash wouldn't come from cannabis would come from a fungus...ringworm(a fungus not an actual worm) is a common one picked up from cats and other animals.


Well-Known Member
Yeah basement is hot and the hps is beating down on me. I remember a few days I was sweating bad and don't fungai, etc. grow on you're face best when its sweating??? Also a couple of leaves were rubbing up against me with azamax just sprayed on them... Well doc gave me Lamisil and its basically gone except my hands.


Well-Known Member
Well I finally got the right RX (Lamisil wasn't working and possibly making it worse) and pretty sure it turned out to be based on my conclusion: Sweating very badly in my 80 degree basement then getting the azamax or the mighty wash on my hands then rubbing my face, hair bc of the very bad sweating fits I was having done there. The sweats opened my pores up and the bug spray got in there. I have a few question:

1.) Doc said to take new (working 99% sure) RX as Lamisil pos made it worse. Doc also said to take Zyrtec, so my question is how long can I stay on Zyrtec for?? These hives were very bad from bug spray and like I said Lamisil made it worse. Use to have very very small hive things. SO Zyrtec might help forever..

2.) Should I turn fan tents off when spraying?? I have carbon filters in tent that exhaust out into the basement that is 80 degrees in summer and 60 degrees in the winter.

3.) Any other precautions I can take??

4.) Off the wall question. HOw often due I need to blew out my quantum ballast with the air can?? And which way to blew the air through bc both ends have opening.

5.) Also from now on, I'm gonna take a shower after using any of this stuff. Should I get under warm or cold water, soap, etc??

6.) Another question above when doing any type of bug spray on you're plants is how long does the residue stay on the plants?? The next day after spray sometimes I touch or rub up against the leaf.
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Well-Known Member
I doubt it, one thing I learned from growing shrooms is that if a bacterial, fungal, mold infection, etc. is harmful to us humans it would of been destroyed your mycelium cake or cannabis plant in your case long ago.