Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0


Well-Known Member
Looks good, the seedling care is what I need help with.
I had the same problem with some indica's seedlings my problem turned out to be overwater ing the seedlings. Some strains need more nitrogen or less. I went out to an old patch to grab some grow bags and was surprised to see 23 seedlings in to big grow bags I totally forgot I planted seeds in them 3 weeks ago. Point is sometimes its better to leave them alone and let nature take its course . feel bad your seedlings turned out that way mate. Chin up (:

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Gd info vn...i actually experimented with an mk ultra 4 days ago..done to it wat i do to my chilli seeds and it popped above soil within 4 days no pre soak no paper towel etc just soil and small pot placed in a tray and on my heat mat...
I plant all my seeds in soil now. Just put them pointy end down in a mild soft potting soil and cover with 1/4-1/2 inch of soil. I just soak it then with the water hose, then re-wet it every other day or so. I've had nothing lower than 88% {7 out of 8} germination.

If going into gallon pots, I add some food to half the soil, then put that in bottom third of pot, mix the two soils, put that in middle third, then straight potting soil with no added food in top third. By the time the roots get down to the food, the plant will be needing a little.

How far I have to carry them determines what size container they go in at planting time. With me working out of a back pack this year, I used a lot of 4" cups.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I plant all my seeds in soil now. Just put them pointy end down in a mild soft potting soil and cover with 1/4-1/2 inch of soil. I just soak it then with the water hose, then re-wet it every other day or so. I've had nothing lower than 88% {7 out of 8} germination.

If going into gallon pots, I add some food to half the soil, then put that in bottom third of pot, mix the two soils, put that in middle third, then straight potting soil with no added food in top third. By the time the roots get down to the food, the plant will be needing a little.

How far I have to carry them determines what size container they go in at planting time. With me working out of a back pack this year, I used a lot of 4" cups.
Its we the human race are in a rush we forget the natural way :(