18 gallon DWC

Week 4 update...
So the plants are in there bath still... I think I'll give them one more day because it seems like there doing better. I'll give them nutes tomorrow with fresh Rez; FloraNova & h202 only.

I want to add Hydroguard because I have it but now its useless with H202.

I'll probably save it and use it on clones once I start dabbling into that part of growing.
Alright so I just changed my Rez and I also sprayed my roots with my shower to get the brown stuff off all my roots. Now there sitting in a new Rez with h202, I'll add nutrients right before lights out and tomorrow I'll start adding 15 ml h202 daily.
BRO! Brew some tea IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT ADD H2O2 or BLEACH (lol) to your rez. H2O2 will react with any organic matter. While this will kill any slime or sludge you have now the chemical reaction will destroy already week roots, cause them to die. Dead roots = more sludge, it will be a negative feedback look.

After reading through the thread I can tell your issues comes from two things:

1. NO PPM METER. You are giving plants nutes based on visual cues which is a NO NO for DWC. Hydro set ups are a Ferrari, and you are trying to drive one with unleaded gas. For hyrdo a real PPM meter and PH stick are a MUST.

When ppm is off the water becomes to salty for the roots. Plants absorb nutrients through osmosis and incorrect ph and ppm damages roots and they become necrotic, cause root rot.

2. Your net pots sat BELOW the water level for too long, causing root rot at the base of the plant.

THE FIX: IMO you need a pH stick, PPM meter, Great White, Hydrogard, Physan 20, bag of earth worm castings, molasses.

1) Flush your entire system with Physan 20. Wear gloves, it is very caustic!
2) During the Physan 20 flush brew some microbe tea (Great White, Hydro Gard, Castings, Molasses). Hieseberg has a great method.
3) Flush DWC, add 1/2 strength nutes USING UR PPM METER.
4) Pour Tea over roots according to Hiesenbergs Schedule.
5) Pray :)

The tea if done correctly will slowly kill the slime and you will recover, the grow will take much longer.

I saw a LOT of misinformation in this thread. There is no such thing as a sterile REZ. Commercial hydro growers do not add h2o2 to control contams, only to add Dissolved Oxygen to the water. If you do not have a DO meter you do not know if you need more DO or less. 1 air stone = plant should be plenty of oxygen.

Only grow with advanced nutriets, never organics.
Get the tinfoil off of there too, it's only making it hotter. Grab mylar if you want to have reflection or black tape/black trashbags if you are trying to do it on the cheap. You should be able to hold a flashlight to the side of the wall and not be able to see it inside.
BRO! Brew some tea IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT ADD H2O2 or BLEACH (lol) to your rez. H2O2 will react with any organic matter. While this will kill any slime or sludge you have now the chemical reaction will destroy already week roots, cause them to die. Dead roots = more sludge, it will be a negative feedback look.

After reading through the thread I can tell your issues comes from two things:

1. NO PPM METER. You are giving plants nutes based on visual cues which is a NO NO for DWC. Hydro set ups are a Ferrari, and you are trying to drive one with unleaded gas. For hyrdo a real PPM meter and PH stick are a MUST.

When ppm is off the water becomes to salty for the roots. Plants absorb nutrients through osmosis and incorrect ph and ppm damages roots and they become necrotic, cause root rot.

2. Your net pots sat BELOW the water level for too long, causing root rot at the base of the plant.

THE FIX: IMO you need a pH stick, PPM meter, Great White, Hydrogard, Physan 20, bag of earth worm castings, molasses.

1) Flush your entire system with Physan 20. Wear gloves, it is very caustic!
2) During the Physan 20 flush brew some microbe tea (Great White, Hydro Gard, Castings, Molasses). Hieseberg has a great method.
3) Flush DWC, add 1/2 strength nutes USING UR PPM METER.
4) Pour Tea over roots according to Hiesenbergs Schedule.
5) Pray :)

The tea if done correctly will slowly kill the slime and you will recover, the grow will take much longer.

I saw a LOT of misinformation in this thread. There is no such thing as a sterile REZ. Commercial hydro growers do not add h2o2 to control contams, only to add Dissolved Oxygen to the water. If you do not have a DO meter you do not know if you need more DO or less. 1 air stone = plant should be plenty of oxygen.

Only grow with advanced nutriets, never organics.

Alright thanks for the info man, have you heard of chlorine usage in DWC ? Does it work ?
Alright thanks for the info man, have you heard of chlorine usage in DWC ? Does it work ?

While some commercial growers might use minute amounts of bleach unless you have a meter for it there is no point. As I said before too, there is no such thing as a sterile REZ. Anyone who tells you they run a sterile rez either means non organic nutes or they are confused. Adding h2o2 or bleach will do nothing for contams. The concentration they need to be in to completely remove all the contams from your grow would also harm the plant.

I mean using common sense tells us that needles and tattoo machines need to be autoclaved for things to be sterilized because some spores and bacteria are very resistant. The small amount of h202 or bleach you are putting in your rez is doing nothing except causing more microbe imbalance.

Not all microbes are visible. A DWC system visually free of contams (i.e. algae, root rot) only means that the ecosystem of you rez is balanced. Meaning not enough organic material for any contam to take a foot hold, correct balance of contams, etc.

Your goal is to use Physan20 to kill and remove as much of the contam as possible so that your tea has chance to rebalance the ecosystem. Pysan20 is a designed for greenhouses/commercial grows. Don't use it if you are already in flower because the bottle says not to use on plants that are currently fruiting. Once you brew the tea correctly the beneficial microbes in the tea will begin to eat each other as well as the root rot. Adding the tea every day will replenish and correct the balance of microbes and stop it from "blooming" (allowing one bacterium/fungi to take over). After about two weeks if done correctly new white roots will begin to shoot from the bottom of the net pot.

Once you start with the tea you have to continue it until your grow is complete. Next grow if no problems arise you should have no need for tea. just make sure you run physan20 through your system before you start your next grow to clean it all out if you decide to use the same equipment.
says the guy without a clue. https://www.rollitup.org/t/how-to-operate-a-sterile-hydroponic-system.849475/
thanks @jijiandfarmgang

you really want to smoke somehting with physan 20 in it?
here's the MSDS. you make up your mind. highly toxic. don't use in flower cause it's toxic. corrosive to respiratory system
Did you even read what you posted. It says exactly what I said, unless you have a OPR meter there is no point. Also if you really think the little bit h2o2 and bleach you are putting in your bleach is doing anything you have no concept of microbes. that is not an opinion. To be sterile things need to be treated with intense head/cold/or UV. Show me otherwise.

As I ALSO said. If you are flowering don't use Physan20.

Believe me or not but so far I am the only one in this thread who provided OP with info that will actually solve his problem.
says the guy without a clue. https://www.rollitup.org/t/how-to-operate-a-sterile-hydroponic-system.849475/
thanks @jijiandfarmgang

you really want to smoke somehting with physan 20 in it?
here's the MSDS. you make up your mind. highly toxic. don't use in flower cause it's toxic. corrosive to respiratory system

From the post you linked:
I use calcium hypochlorite, in the form of pool shock. Its extremely cheap and easy to find. I make a liquid batch so that 1 ml when added to a gallon of water will equal 1 ppm chlorine.

According to Clorox website for clorox to sanitize it needs to be at 200ppm.

Do you really believe running 1ppm does anything?


The EPA requires treated tap water to have a detectable level of chlorine to help prevent contamination. The allowable chlorine levels in drinking water (up to 4 parts per million)
So lets assume tap water is at the highest ppm of chlorine allowed by the EPA (4ppm) then according to your post 1ppm would be sterile. Then why are suppose to sterilize tap water by boiling before giving it to babies in formula.

HINT: It's not sterile out of the faucet. https://www.gerber.com/birth/articl...n-a-bottle/how-to-prepare-formula-using-water

Link I SAID, if you see no contams in your DWC it is because they are balanced and in check, not because you are adding h2o2 or bleach. Sterile rez refers to advanced nutes as opposed to organic nutes, which would create a live rez.

Here is more from your link:
I have root rot/ pathogen problem how much extra chlorine should I add?

Chlorine is best used to prevent pathogen outbreaks not to treat them.

OP ALREADY HAS PATHOGENS. Bleach will NOT help him.

I love when people try to pop off at the mouth and are clueless.
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I love when people try to pop off at the mouth and are clueless.

look in the mirror. to say that there is no such thing as running sterile is retarded.

been using chlorine for years. no root rot/pathogens at all.

how do you explain the popularity of Dutchmaster Zone then? you think it's snake oil?

whatever dude.
you brew your tea. i'll stick with what works for me.

and we aren't washing dishes here from your Clorox link. haha. too funny.
so your physan 20 doesn't show up at a cellular level in the plant?

sure thing. you smoke that crap. hope your lungs enjoy it. must burn a bit, huh?
look in the mirror. to say that there is no such thing as running sterile is retarded.

been using chlorine for years. no root rot/pathogens at all.

how do you explain the popularity of Dutchmaster Zone then? you think it's snake oil?

whatever dude.
you brew your tea. i'll stick with what works for me.

and we aren't washing dishes here from your Clorox link. haha. too funny.

Swab the underside of your bucket lid and touch it to a petri dish. I'll wait.
Week 4 update... Well since I have root rot I used the h202 and now my plants are stunted. Today I need to change Rez but not sure if I should add FF open seasme since week 5 Rez change is in a few hours from now. Should I wait another week for them to recover more or should I start the flooring process flip 12/12
Bro, your roots are covered in slime and you have zero new root growth.

I've provided you the solution to your problem multiple times.

H2O2 is not going to do anything, I explained why in my previous posts.

Also you are running Flora Nova which has ORGANICS in it, so you are basically feeding your sludge every time you give it nutes.


Is FloraNova series organic?
FloraNova Grow and Bloom contain 3-5% organic substances creating the marriage between mineral and organic gardening.
You need.

-Advanced nutrients
-Brew Compost Tea

Blast it with Physan for 24 hrs while you brew your tea. Give it tea till grow is over. Only use Advanced Nutes.

It's that simple. Take it or leave it but I had a grow with your exact issues and I am the only person in this entire thread to give you info on how to fix with supporting links. Not just some anecdotal remarks.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.