What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?


You know the worst part about people criticizing her health is THAT is supposed to make us say "oh well then she obviously can't be a candidate"

- how about the war crimes, blatant corporatism, racism, sexism(yes, sexism), war mongering, and hatred? Selling arms to third world countries? having a big hand in creating ISIS? Wanting another cold war with Russia? Those things, and many more make her absolutely unacceptable. I'm no fan of Trump, but her calling his supporters "Deplorable" was exactly what Bernie would never do - encourage people to hate each other. How are we any better than the right wing if we use the same fear and hatred? She should have run as a Republican.



Well-Known Member
You know the worst part about people criticizing her health is THAT is supposed to make us say "oh well then she obviously can't be a candidate"

- how about the war crimes, blatant corporatism, racism, sexism(yes, sexism), war mongering, and hatred? Selling arms to third world countries? having a big hand in creating ISIS? Wanting another cold war with Russia? Those things, and many more make her absolutely unacceptable. I'm no fan of Trump, but her calling his supporters "Deplorable" was exactly what Bernie would never do - encourage people to hate each other. How are we any better than the right wing if we use the same fear and hatred? She should have run as a Republican.



Well-Known Member
you can get glasses in pretty much any shade you want. prove to me beyond a doubt those are the glasses you think they are


Well-Known Member
you can get glasses in pretty much any shade you want. prove to me beyond a doubt those are the glasses you think they are
Yes, any shade including one specifically made for preventing seizures....like she is wearing.
The fact that you nbeed someone to prove beyond a doubt something thats obvious; because u dont want to believe it, is ludicrous. Good day im done here pretty sure everyone with a brain and not in denial knows shes got a serious health problem which she is lieing about because thats what she does whenever she has a problem, she lies.


Well-Known Member
Which neurological centre accounts for all Hillary's symptoms? Hint , it's not the lungs ... Buck?


Well-Known Member
Yes, any shade including one specifically made for preventing seizures....like she is wearing.
The fact that you nbeed someone to prove beyond a doubt something thats obvious; because u dont want to believe it, is ludicrous. Good day im done here pretty sure everyone with a brain and not in denial knows shes got a serious health problem which she is lieing about because thats what she does whenever she has a problem, she lies.