Hillary can't be trusted

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"Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi!"

Lol. Find one antisemetic or racist post from me. I dare you.
It wasn't necessary in 1933 to scream antisemitic remarks to prove the claim that a German voter supported antisemitism. Their vote for Hitler is all that was needed. Same for you and your fervor for Benedict Donald.
It wasn't necessary in 1933 to scream antisemitic remarks to prove the claim that a German voter supported antisemitism. Their vote for Hitler is all that was needed. Same for you and your fervor for Benedict Donald.
Hitler is more comparable to Hillary. Hillary wants expanded government control and intrusion.
Hitler is more comparable to Hillary. Hillary wants expanded government control and intrusion.
Oh nonsense. You aren't even listening to Benedict Donald. His police force with the charter to track down 11 million illegal immigrants is one of the largest expansions in police forces ever proposed. They will have the same powers as the DEA to break down doors and shoot to kill.

And for what? Those people are not causing issues with crime or anything else. They are by and large peaceful contributors to this nation.

His attacks on the judge with Hispanic heritage is all you need to know about how he will revamp the justice system. And then there is his plan to expand police forces to address his false claim of "rising violence and lawlessness". He's lying about that, violent crime in the US is down dramatically from where it was only a few years ago.

Just like Hitler, he is telling a willing audience what they want to hear and is careless about the truth. Just like Hitler, he repeats a simple lie again and again until fools like you believe him.

And then there is this quote from Chris Christie, one of Benedict Donald's surrogates and director of in charge of planning for Trump's transition into the President's office.

If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers, Trump ally, Chris Christie, said on Tuesday.

The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service became law within months after Hitler came into office as Chancellor. It removed Jews and anybody who was not seen as loyal to Hitler from positions in the German government. It gave Hitler complete control of the government.

Also mention worthy is Trump's scapegoating and blacklisting the -- as he calls it -- dishonest media. Much like Hitler, Trump doesn't think there is a benefit from having a free press..

Expanded policing powers, restrictions on the free press, purging government based upon loyalty to the authoritarian leader, racist and bigoted government policies, the ferreting out of and imprisonment or deportation of 11 million people.

Trump is very much like Hitler.
Oh nonsense. You aren't even listening to Benedict Donald. His police force with the charter to track down 11 million illegal immigrants is one of the largest expansions in police forces ever proposed. They will have the same powers as the DEA to break down doors and shoot to kill.

And for what? Those people are not causing issues with crime or anything else. They are by and large peaceful contributors to this nation.

His attacks on the judge with Hispanic heritage is all you need to know about how he will revamp the justice system. And then there is his plan to expand police forces to address his false claim of "rising violence and lawlessness". He's lying about that, violent crime in the US is down dramatically from where it was only a few years ago.

Just like Hitler, he is telling a willing audience what they want to hear and is careless about the truth. Just like Hitler, he repeats a simple lie again and again until fools like you believe him.

And then there is this quote from Chris Christie, one of Benedict Donald's surrogates and director of in charge of planning for Trump's transition into the President's office.

If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers, Trump ally, Chris Christie, said on Tuesday.

The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service became law within months after Hitler came into office as Chancellor. It removed Jews and anybody who was not seen as loyal to Hitler from positions in the German government. It gave Hitler complete control of the government.

Also mention worthy is Trump's scapegoating and blacklisting the -- as he calls it -- dishonest media. Much like Hitler, Trump doesn't think there is a benefit from having a free press..

Expanded policing powers, restrictions on the free press, purging government based upon loyalty to the authoritarian leader, racist and bigoted government policies, the ferreting out of and imprisonment or deportation of 11 million people.

Trump is very much like Hitler.
You obviously missed the "softening". The first to go will be those that are already known as criminals and then an assessment of the rest will be done. Sounds like a logical approach. The more solid the border becomes the easier it will be to deal with those already here. Sanctuary cities going away is critical in the same way. You need to update your talking points from the propaganda they have become.
You obviously missed the "softening". The first to go will be those that are already known as criminals and then an assessment of the rest will be done. Sounds like a logical approach. The more solid the border becomes the easier it will be to deal with those already here. Sanctuary cities going away is critical in the same way. You need to update your talking points from the propaganda they have become.
What softening? Did you hear his speech after his visit with the President of Mexico? No softening there. Everybody will have to go. That's what he said.

Trump is very much like Hitler. You just have to listen with an open mind to know this, Dave.
What softening? Did you hear his speech after his visit with the President of Mexico? No softening there. Everybody will have to go. That's what he said.

Trump is very much like Hitler. You just have to listen with an open mind to know this, Dave.
I did. Again, read my last post as it represents the current Trump stance. You want to try to hide thugs and criminals amongst those who are not. Trump is smartly creating s distinction.
I did. Again, read my last post as it represents the current Trump stance. You want to try to hide thugs and criminals amongst those who are not. Trump is smartly creating s distinction.
He didn't change his position one bit. He's come out and told everybody that he will form a new police force to enforce deportations. Also that everybody who came to this country illegally will have to leave the country and go through processing before they can come back.

His likeness of Hitler goes beyond the immigration enforcement actions as well. I read your post. It did nothing to refute the assertion and examples that in my post to show Trump is like Hitler in many ways. Do I need to repeat the post?
He didn't change his position one bit. He's come out and told everybody that he will form a new police force to enforce deportations. Also that everybody who came to this country illegally will have to leave the country and go through processing before they can come back.

His likeness of Hitler goes beyond the immigration enforcement actions as well. I read your post. It did nothing to refute the assertion and examples that in my post to show Trump is like Hitler in many ways. Do I need to repeat the post?
There was no mention of any new police force in that speech and the leaving and coming back concept pertained to those seeking citizenship. That also makes sense.
There was no mention of any new police force in that speech and the leaving and coming back concept pertained to those seeking citizenship. That also makes sense.
Go to his site, he hasn't changed plans for a new police force. And the similarity to Hitler only begins there. @Flaming Pie 's denial that Trump is some sort of moderate teddy bear and nothing like Hitler is delusional or ignorant or both.

How about his plans to increase policing of the country to make everybody safer? He's repeated again and again the lie of unprecedented violence in this country and that only he can make everybody safer. How will he do that without expanding federal control of the nation's police forces?
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Go to his site, he hasn't changed plans for a new police force. And the similarity to Hitler only begins there. @Flaming Pie 's denial that Trump is some sort of moderate teddy bear and nothing like Hitler is delusional or ignorant or both.

How about his plans to increase policing of the country to make everybody safer? He's repeated again and again the lie of unprecedented violence in this country and that only he can make everybody safer. How will he do that without expanding federal control of the nation's police forces?


Is it increasing the size of ICE to whats been recommended or ICE working with with the police and gang task forces? OMG, we must not increase policing to match the need.

Most of what he addresses there, again, just makes sense.

Is it increasing the size of ICE to whats been recommended or ICE working with with the police and gang task forces? OMG, we must not increase policing to match the need.

Most of what he addresses there, again, just makes sense.
They don't understand that Obama and Attorney General Lynch have been neutering our immigration officers and policies.

They are being instructed to only enforce PORTIONS of the law.
Hillary slipping in the nevada, ohio, florida.

She did indeed have pneumonia, according to a doctor summary. She will be back in a day or two.

Hope she makes the debates. Can't wait!

Is it increasing the size of ICE to whats been recommended or ICE working with with the police and gang task forces? OMG, we must not increase policing to match the need.

Most of what he addresses there, again, just makes sense.
Haaahahaaaa Selective reading you are.

He says "Triple the number of ICE officers" on his website. Which means adding 10,000 new officers to the force. And it's only the tip of the iceberg. In order to deport 11 million people in the two years that Trump promised, as well as incarcerate them until they are deported, he would be adding thousands more prison officers, hundreds of new prisons, expansion of the justice system just to process claims.

You think small Dave. It's not just about finding and arresting those people. Not only that, but ten thousand new officers is not enough. That is unless you use the Phillippine Dictator's method of summary executions to prod the targeted group to surrender voluntarily.

And you are focusing on one of Trump's multi prong attack on Democracy.

Trump is very much like Hitler.
Having exposed the apparent strong mutual dislike between The Obamas and The Clintons, the leaked Colin Powell emails had another gem of an admission about just what other 'elites' think of The Clintons... in particular Bill...

Just two years ago, Powell told billionaire megadonor Jeffrey Leeds just how he feels about Hillary "I would rather not vote for her," and Bill "still dicking bimbos at home."

Source: @WillRahn

Would love to be a fly on the wall when they next meet.

Hillary slipping in the nevada, ohio, florida.

She did indeed have pneumonia, according to a doctor summary. She will be back in a day or two.

Hope she makes the debates. Can't wait!

You are ridiculously focused on the news you want to hear.

Practically unchanged from previous polling data:

Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


These polls don't mean much yet. The only use is to give the campaign team information regarding where to put resources or how much risk to take.

I can't wait to hear the debates either. I wonder if Trump is going to cringe like he did in Mexico or if he's going to be the bombastic off the rails undisciplined person we saw during the publican debates. Hillary is going to be unimpressive but careful and disciplined. You are going to hate her even more.
Having exposed the apparent strong mutual dislike between The Obamas and The Clintons, the leaked Colin Powell emails had another gem of an admission about just what other 'elites' think of The Clintons... in particular Bill...

Just two years ago, Powell told billionaire megadonor Jeffrey Leeds just how he feels about Hillary "I would rather not vote for her," and Bill "still dicking bimbos at home."

Source: @WillRahn

Would love to be a fly on the wall when they next meet.

What are you trying to say?
Haaahahaaaa Selective reading you are.

He says "Triple the number of ICE officers" on his website. Which means adding 10,000 new officers to the force. And it's only the tip of the iceberg. In order to deport 11 million people in the two years that Trump promised, as well as incarcerate them until they are deported, he would be adding thousands more prison officers, hundreds of new prisons, expansion of the justice system just to process claims.

You think small Dave. It's not just about finding and arresting those people. Not only that, but ten thousand new officers is not enough. That is unless you use the Phillippine Dictator's method of summary executions to prod the targeted group to surrender voluntarily.

And you are focusing on one of Trump's multi prong attack on Democracy.

Trump is very much like Hitler.
I mentioned that in one of my first posts here today. It is not creating a new force but adding to the existing to meet the enforcement of laws already on the books. Nothing new and again the criminals are to be extracted first and then an assessment of the rest and how to address them in a "humane and efficient" method. <--this last part also in the paragraph you edited out. So you accuse of selected reading while only providing a selection. A bit hypocritial.
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