Anyone ever get a fungal rash from a plant??


Well-Known Member
Well I finally got the right RX (Lamisil wasn't working and possibly making it worse) and pretty sure it turned out to be based on my conclusion: Sweating very badly in my 80 degree basement then getting the azamax or the mighty wash on my hands then rubbing my face, hair bc of the very bad sweating fits I was having done there. The sweats opened my pores up and the bug spray got in there. I have a few question:

1.) Doc said to take new (working 99% sure) RX as Lamisil pos made it worse. Doc also said to take Zyrtec, so my question is how long can I stay on Zyrtec for?? These hives were very bad from bug spray and like I said Lamisil made it worse. Use to have very very small hive things. SO Zyrtec might help forever..

2.) Should I turn fan tents off when spraying?? I have carbon filters in tent that exhaust out into the basement that is 80 degrees in summer and 60 degrees in the winter.

3.) Any other precautions I can take??

4.) Off the wall question. HOw often due I need to blew out my quantum ballast with the air can?? And which way to blew the air through bc both ends have opening.

5.) Also from now on, I'm gonna take a shower after using any of this stuff. Should I get under warm or cold water, soap, etc??

Also I would like to say ANY household chemical you get on yourself is going to make you react. I'm taking way more precautions now. The main problem was the sweating heavily that open my pores, then got the stuff on it and didn't jump in the shower right away I think.


bud bootlegger
Also I would like to say ANY household chemical you get on yourself is going to make you react. I'm taking way more precautions now. The main problem was the sweating heavily that open my pores, then got the stuff on it and didn't jump in the shower right away I think.
i had something like that happen to me recently.. i'm in my 40's, and have never once in my life had poison ivy, but a month or so ago, i was out in the yard on a hot day, handling a bunch of it trying to cut it down and pull it out of a back fence that was a bit over grown with it.. being that i've never had poison ivy before, i wasn't really being cautious or anything around it, and it was rubbing up against me in all sorts of ways, but being that it was super hot and i was super sweaty, what do you know, but i had a big rash on my arm and face the next day that was obvously poison ivy..
i guess being hot and sweaty opened up my pores enough to the point that it was able to get into my system and infect me to the point of me breaking out in a rash, even though in my previous 40 odd years of being on this planet and brushing up against the plants and touching it in the past i have never had an adverse reaction to it.. my dumb ass should have just come right in the house and taken off all of my clothes and jumped right in the shower and i'd probably had been fine, but again, not ever having it before, i wasn't too worried about my catching it.. lesson learned, the other day i was cutting down a patch of sumac in the yard and was all hot and sweaty, so i came right in and jumped in the shower, and luckily enough, no outbreak of nasty, itchy patches on my arms and face..


Well-Known Member
i had something like that happen to me recently.. i'm in my 40's, and have never once in my life had poison ivy, but a month or so ago, i was out in the yard on a hot day, handling a bunch of it trying to cut it down and pull it out of a back fence that was a bit over grown with it.. being that i've never had poison ivy before, i wasn't really being cautious or anything around it, and it was rubbing up against me in all sorts of ways, but being that it was super hot and i was super sweaty, what do you know, but i had a big rash on my arm and face the next day that was obvously poison ivy..
i guess being hot and sweaty opened up my pores enough to the point that it was able to get into my system and infect me to the point of me breaking out in a rash, even though in my previous 40 odd years of being on this planet and brushing up against the plants and touching it in the past i have never had an adverse reaction to it.. my dumb ass should have just come right in the house and taken off all of my clothes and jumped right in the shower and i'd probably had been fine, but again, not ever having it before, i wasn't too worried about my catching it.. lesson learned, the other day i was cutting down a patch of sumac in the yard and was all hot and sweaty, so i came right in and jumped in the shower, and luckily enough, no outbreak of nasty, itchy patches on my arms and face..

The dermatologist told me 3 days ago, I had the urtacaria hives. She said she didn't think it was contact dermatitis (when you come in contact with a chemical, poison ivy, etc.). I've now had this for almost 1 month and have had 3 different Rx's and everyone has flared it up. Been off the fucking doctors Rx now for 2 days and its going away on its own. Fuck these doctor's that charged $500 an hour.