
"outdated views." lol

Is your new way working better? Your new way of "basic disrespect" is affecting things, for sure. Blame someone else.. yeah it's the cops.
I can see that you don't buy it. Good for you for not being fooled by the frequent unnecessary shootings of unarmed black guys by cops. Lol, you saw right through that shit.
"outdated views." lol

Is your new way working better? Your new way of "basic disrespect" is affecting things, for sure. Blame someone else.. yeah it's the cops.

You can't be this stupid and still be able to use a computer.

Two degrees, you say?
Found out the world was round? Boy they really have you fooled don't they?

Wake up sheeple!

Until I learned to embrace the TRUTH of our FLAT EARTH my life was a mess of debauchery and unclarity. These days, I regularly watch Fox News, I've got my home fortified for the 'coming times', and I'm a HUGE Alex Jones fan. THAT man speaks the TRUTH!

Oh, and HillaKUNT and OBUMMER are Isis drones. FACT. Where were the Skittles when Mitt Romney was assassinated and raped by Bill in Grantennamonomo Bengayzee Bay, KILLARY?! Thought so! TRUMP FTW!!
It is a police officers job to approach the situation in a calm manner because the situation might need that. Yet, police officers approach people, especially minorities, in a very hostile way. Fuck the cops, fuck the respect you think they deserve. The justice department has said again and again there is obvious prejudice in the police department and yet people hear what they want to hear; blame black peoples attitudes towards cops. It's funny how if man A and man B get into it and man B shoots man A because of his attitude, man B is going to jail for sure. A cop shoots a person because of their attitude, it's cool. Our country is shit because of asshats that take down the economy, send business elsewhere, run and operate a police state, surveillance and data collection on every citizen, politicial term limits, money in politics, citizens united, and the list goes on. Yes, clearly it must be those free thinkers at it again with their logic that is destroying America.

No, it's called..... assholes.
Agreed. Even if its your job to help someone they can still be polite and say thanks. I agree police are out of hand and have been for a while in some places but overall in general, they are more "officers" than "man" or "woman". Sheriff's to a lesser degree.
Maybe start a facts post in the OP that gets updated? Fact #1: The police were NOT there for Scott, they were there looking for someone else that had warrants.
I can see that you don't buy it. Good for you for not being fooled by the frequent unnecessary shootings of unarmed black guys by cops. Lol, you saw right through that shit.

Oh yes the string of shootings where
"unarmed black men" were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, or worse, they were targeted because they were black.

Racism, inequality, rights, whatever you want to call it, it's been around for decades. Out of the major ethnicities, what ethnicity has the highest high school drop out rate? The highest incarceration rate? The highest violent crime rate? You don't think decades of statistics wouldn't affect how you'd handle a call?

I'm sorry folks but what I see is excuse making with little owning up to who's starting shit in the first place. Get your kids off the street, teach them manners, teach them that courtesy matters, have some yourself. Try affecting the statistics by talking to that friend, family member, or child about doing the right thing.

You may hate reading this as much as I hate writing it. This Black Lives Matter movement is the biggest crock of shit in modern times. Supporters of this movement are simply fueling racism.

Affect the numbers and see what happens. Ignore the numbers and see what happens.
You may hate reading this as much as I hate writing it. This Black Lives Matter movement is the biggest crock of shit in modern times. Supporters of this movement are simply fueling racism.

Oh I doubt it. I doubt you hate it at all. As far as me hating reading it, @Flaming Pie has made me ready for even the most ridiculous racist trash by now. It was no big deal.

BTW, you are a fucking idiot.
Oh I doubt it. I doubt you hate it at all.

BTW, you are a fucking idiot.

I avoid political issues like the plague. But this one is troubling..

When NFL players "take a knee" for what reason? Get the fuck over it!! Your actions are affecting people unnecessarily. You've created an issue where one didn't exist.

I have a gay daughter, I've had black girlfriends including who I'm seeing at present. I'm far from a racist bigot. I just feel this issue is out of control, and it's not the cops..
I avoid political issues like the plague. But this one is troubling..

When NFL players "take a knee" for what reason? Get the fuck over it!! Your actions are affecting people unnecessarily. You've created an issue where one didn't exist.

I have a gay daughter, I've had black girlfriends including who I'm seeing at present. I'm far from a racist bigot. I just feel this issue is out of control, and it's not the cops..
Your gay daughter hates you. And you have the plague.
What's worse is looking toward the future, the election..we have no leader being worse than the other..everyone's complaining yet no one will do anything.

Case in point: has anyone heard of charges being brought against DWS for her role in smearing Sanders, withholding his database? No? Anyone? No?

A forcibly imposed "leader" is a misnomer. The term you should have used is "master".
So by default, we should teach kids to question authority? To carry bb gun pistols and brandish them when challenged by law enforcement? We should let kids wander where and when hey want? We should but our noses into other people's business, including times when law enforcement is involved? I can go on. And this isn't "old white Trump voter" talking. I just think blacks have it wrong with cops. Stay out of the shadows, try to do the right thing, and have some basic respect for law enforcement.

Good people disobey bad laws.

Also, "blacks" do not think in lockstep do they ? IMHO, It would be better if you saw people as individuals, all capable of holding their own opinion.

I do not respect people who claim to have more rights than others or who would enforce immoral laws for money. Therefore I do not respect police, since they all swear to enforce EVERY law, and it is blatantly obvious that some laws are immoral and wrong.
The bb gun reference is for the 13 year old kid who was shot after he brandished it when challenged. Okay you're right, cops are the enemy, they want to kill black people. Arm yourselves with dash cams and body cams..
where was this??? Where did a 13 year old brandish a B B gun when challenged by the police ?