
In 2012, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 532,911 times 473,644 were totally innocent (89 percent).
284,229 were black (55 percent). 165,140 were Latino (32 percent). 50,366 were white (10 percent).

This in itself is crazy, but blacks have no right to hold a shitty attitude towards the police, give me a break. This info was from a quick search, imagine if I looked for harder.

Racial profiling is alive and well, as are other types of profiling. That's just one set of numbers, with similar numbers in many large integrated cities. I get that point.

I've said too much, though I'll say I know things could be better. It's not color, no more than it is the erosion of values as a society. Courtesy and respect are gone for the most part? Who knows, I see glimmers, I hold doors for everyone and I see the surprise in many faces.
:clap: Thanks for doing the legwork on a statement that didn't matter. I stand corrected. These shit heads make way to much money.

You're welcome. I thought I might make the occupation doubly attractive for you monetarily as it seemed the low salary wasn't appealing to you, as it wasn't in the other net tax consuming job you mentioned you had before.
You're welcome. I thought I might make the occupation doubly attractive for you monetarily as it seemed the low salary wasn't appealing to you, as it wasn't in the other net tax consuming job you mentioned you had before.

how is your chunky girlfriend? enjoying the trailer life?
You're welcome. I thought I might make the occupation doubly attractive for you monetarily as it seemed the low salary wasn't appealing to you, as it wasn't in the other net tax consuming job you mentioned you had before.
I said if I had to owe money for college, the salary was unappealing.
Do rioters have a list of demands?

Or is just chaos where they try to do as much damage to businesses and equipment paid for through their taxes?

Windows aren't cheap to replace. Police vehicles are expensive as fuck too. Whytf are they looting?

The police just need to stay out every night for a week and arrest anyone damaging public or private property.

Violent riots and looting are not a means for change. It will just make the businesses and taxpayers move away.
Do rioters have a list of demands?

Or is just chaos where they try to do as much damage to businesses and equipment paid for through their taxes?

Windows aren't cheap to replace. Police vehicles are expensive as fuck too. Whytf are they looting?

The police just need to stay out every night for a week and arrest anyone damaging public or private property.

Violent riots and looting are not a means for change. It will just make the businesses and taxpayers move away.
No. High taxes and ridiculous regulations have made businesses move away much quicker than looters have.
name these taxes and regulations specifically please.
Name the looters that have caused businesses to move away. I'm not saying taxes and regulations are an issue, just saying that these would get people to move quicker than looters would.
Name the looters that have caused businesses to move away. I'm not saying taxes and regulations are an issue, just saying that these would get people to move quicker than looters would.
I was just speaking in general. I know I wouldnt want to stay if people were busting in my windows. Over generalization with the assumption that these fools will be rioting everynight.

Excuse me.

taxes and regulations you have specifically named so far:



Businesses that have left because of looters: maybe a handful for arguments sake. But here you go buck, some info on how taxes cause businesses to relocate.

How businesses leave to go overseas because of our tax code.







Changing addresses to avoid taxes



Hillary and Donald seem to both agree that our tax code is a little off and something needs to change in order to save businesses from leaving.
"What Mrs. Clinton would do: She seeks a series of tweaks to the corporate tax code to try to dissuade companies from moving operations abroad to save on taxes." - There's your girl <3

In fact, I doubt there was one candidate on the stage the entire election that said corporate taxes were working. Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 7.30.56 PM.png
Everyone you seem to care about seems to have a similar thought that taxes need to be revised.
I'll be 43 in a month. Your user ID, 'xmatox'....very similar to Tomax/Xamot. Just a simple question.

You seem agitated/hostile.
Lol no sorry. I was genuinely curious of your age because that picture looked like the early 80's and I don't think I was quite old enough yet to get your reference. I just looked them up, and see what resemblance you were speaking of. :)