THC % Does Not Measure The High

I try to describe it like this to people.....

the thc , to an extent, is the speed and power of the train, the terpenoids and flavanoids, are the quality and style of the ride.

I think we should go back to the days where we had strain testers that were PEOPLE... who could tell you what the best shit was and what it did... these were much more reliable descriptions than percentages we have today....

just think how accurate these descriptions would be by now if we had not focused on percentages and continued to focus on these intuitive descriptions of cannabis strains that actually make sense....

Absolutely not. Anecdotal evidence is the lowest form of evidence. Objective markers is science
THC along with all the cannabiniids and terpenes are only produced in the trichrome.
Having a lot of frost doesn't mean potency. Flavor doesn't get you high, many super frosty plants are low odor as well. Many compound s are produced within including waxes and crap
How did you get that out of my post

In other words, yes your wrong
you're wrong and full of shit.
In general secondary metabolites are toxic and must be held in a storagecavity to prevent cell deathand indeed thca and cbga cause 100% cell death in 10 day old suspension cultured cannabis sativa cells at 50um(through apoptosis). The cannabinoid precursors do not have this effect and some can be found in leaf material The results of reverse transcription pcr and heterologous expression suggest that THCAsynthase is localized in the apoplastic space of the glandular trichome only

terps can give some effect certainly, but nobody is getting high off aromatherapy
the terps produced by other plants are the same. the pinene or whatever is the same
same... the esters and everything else etc

what is "wrong" in my post
This whole thread is definitely an interesting read. while THC does play an important part, there is so many variables at play including how you grow it and where you grow it, what kind of strain, and just a lot to think about. I figure up to a certain point THC plays a part, but once you hit that certain % the rest is up to you. Thanks for sharing all your responses everyone! :D
This is a 100% legit question. Does anybody know any reasoning behind why I cannot get high off of edibles? I don't know if it's a high metabolism thing or what, but I can eat 100+ mgs of thc within an hour's time and I feel nothing, even up 5 hours later. I have never felt a body high or head change or anything from ANY type of edible, no matter the quality. I've eaten everything from delta 9 chocolates to fucking homemade brownies and nothing works! Any reasoning behind this? I'm tired of wasting my fucking money every time I decide to buy edibles from dispensaries and they don't do shit. Doesn't matter if it's a free edible sampler or a brand name shit, no edible has ever given me a body high or anything. I'm tired of biting a 250mg brownie in half, and not feeling shit even 5+ hours later. Maybe I should give up! Anybody else ever experience this or have any help? Thanks guys!
This is a 100% legit question. Does anybody know any reasoning behind why I cannot get high off of edibles? I don't know if it's a high metabolism thing or what, but I can eat 100+ mgs of thc within an hour's time and I feel nothing, even up 5 hours later. I have never felt a body high or head change or anything from ANY type of edible, no matter the quality. I've eaten everything from delta 9 chocolates to fucking homemade brownies and nothing works! Any reasoning behind this? I'm tired of wasting my fucking money every time I decide to buy edibles from dispensaries and they don't do shit. Doesn't matter if it's a free edible sampler or a brand name shit, no edible has ever given me a body high or anything. I'm tired of biting a 250mg brownie in half, and not feeling shit even 5+ hours later. Maybe I should give up! Anybody else ever experience this or have any help? Thanks guys!

Your brain is broken.. You have a couple years top to live
This is a 100% legit question. Does anybody know any reasoning behind why I cannot get high off of edibles? I don't know if it's a high metabolism thing or what, but I can eat 100+ mgs of thc within an hour's time and I feel nothing, even up 5 hours later. I have never felt a body high or head change or anything from ANY type of edible, no matter the quality. I've eaten everything from delta 9 chocolates to fucking homemade brownies and nothing works! Any reasoning behind this? I'm tired of wasting my fucking money every time I decide to buy edibles from dispensaries and they don't do shit. Doesn't matter if it's a free edible sampler or a brand name shit, no edible has ever given me a body high or anything. I'm tired of biting a 250mg brownie in half, and not feeling shit even 5+ hours later. Maybe I should give up! Anybody else ever experience this or have any help? Thanks guys!
Nobody really knows, I've heard its linked to stomach problems such as digestive/gastrointestinal issues.

I have ibm issues but i will be sleepy as a motherfucker for a very long time (6-8 hours) after a 250mg brownie. It never hits me like a ton of bricks and seems to move slowly,too slow to be comfortable which i find weird because im a small dude at 155lbs 5'9, i prefere smoking anyday over edibles because i feel more overwhelmed and calm in the head.
Nobody really knows, I've heard its linked to stomach problems such as digestive/gastrointestinal issues.

I have ibm issues but i will be sleepy as a motherfucker for a very long time (6-8 hours) after a 250mg brownie. It never hits me like a ton of bricks and seems to move slowly,too slow to be comfortable which i find weird because im a small dude at 155lbs 5'9, i prefere smoking anyday over edibles because i feel more overwhelmed and calm in the head.
I've never been diagnosed or had issues with stomach ore gastro problems in general so hopefully it's not some shit like that. I was thinking maybe metabolism plays a role but maybe not. I'm about 6', 220
6'2 220lb. Pretty lean guy

I can't think of any reason properly made edibles wouldn't work
Yeah, I'm pretty lean too, that's why I figured maybe my metabolism just destroys the thc really fast or something. Can't think of much else. Oh well. Good thing smoking works.
Have you tried a sublingual? Or decarbed hash oil and saturate coconut oil?
Different roa might help.
I've never seen this in conducted studies...

I usually always recommend oral use of using as medication. Less fluctuations and avoid some of the bi phasic effects that smoking can bring
Yeah, I'm pretty lean too, that's why I figured maybe my metabolism just destroys the thc really fast or something. Can't think of much else. Oh well. Good thing smoking works.
Don't think so... Like i said im 5'9 155lbs, been a cardio freak right out of highschool as a boxer for 8 years, and i still to this day run 11 miles every 4/5 days just to keep my health in check. My metabolism is no joke lol my entire dinner is out my stomach if i roll with jiu jitsu partners for an hour or pull a 10 mile sprint. Edibles move slowly through my system but last really long, 100mg just makes my eyes water, 200mg will sit me down.
Don't think so... Like i said im 5'9 155lbs, been a cardio freak right out of highschool as a boxer for 8 years, and i still to this day run 11 miles every 4/5 days just to keep my health in check. My metabolism is no joke lol my entire dinner is out my stomach if i roll with jiu jitsu partners for an hour or pull a 10 mile sprint. Edibles move slowly through my system but last really long, 100mg just makes my eyes water, 200mg will sit me down.
Well I guess I'll take it from you when it comes to the busting the metabolism theory. Fuck it, I'm going to buy a 1000mg chocolate bar, eat the entire thing and see what happens.
Would be interesting to try strains that are bred completely different than what we're used to. THC-V for example is still difficult to find and I'm sure there are others like CBC.
If this doesn't get me high, I will never buy edibles again. It's 500mgs, 10 servings of 50mgs. Supposedly 10 grams went into making it, which is most likely a bunch of shake. But thc is thc right? I took a tenth sized bite, I'm going to wait 30mins to an hour and see where I'm at.


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If this doesn't get me high, I will never buy edibles again. It's 500mgs, 10 servings of 50mgs. Supposedly 10 grams went into making it, which is most likely a bunch of shake. But thc is thc right? I took a tenth sized bite, I'm going to wait 30mins to an hour and see where I'm at.
I hope they dont use shakes to make those kind of packaged edibles... that would be a shame. Im surprised you only took a 1/10th bite after complaing about nothing working lol

Quiz and i would gobble that fucking bar for fun