Running low on my home made 'Bloom Boost fertilizer', also known as 'Fermented Fruit Juice' (FFJ), so I decided to get the blender out and make a new batch.
This is directly stolen from here, with some explanations as to why it works, cos I can't be arsed............
I don't think any of this is an exact science, I've followed their basic recipe, but added a little more sugar than them, due to the fact I've added the cannabis bud and broccolli, which don't contain as much natural sugars as fruit.

All the ingredients are organic, not sure if that's important or not, just personal choice and the tomatoes were grow by me, they're absolutely gorgeous, so I've only used the ones that have been attacked by pests.
The organic molasses jars I get are 740g, which is just under half the weight of my other ingredients, so I decided to just add the full jar.
Everything was blended up and mixed together.........didn't get photo's of this, cos my camera went to a safe place.......I'm messy and clumsy, luckily I had no major mishaps this time.
Then I added a Tbsp of lacto serum, this is optional because the microbes present on the fruit and in the air would ferment the material. But this just ensures the microbes are balanced in your favour and should speed things up a little bit,
When everything was mixed up, I transferred to my homemade ferment bottle with improvised air-locks.

I think they recommend around 10-14 days on the website, but I'll let this go until I stop seeing bubbles in the air-lock, pretty good sign that the ferment has finished and the mixture has stabilised.
Edit............Just realised, looking at the date of my last ferment on the label, that the stuff I'm using now is over a year old. It still smells good and my plants are still loving it!