Well-Known Member
Cheers to your good self Brotha............and a rather belated Happy new year!!!DB! good to see you back at it man! Happy New Year to you! Loving what you have going on. Definitely stealing your worm bin design to see how it works. i have all the materials laying around to do it. Also, those sips look AMAZING. I may have to give one of those a try as well. I'm very impressed with how they look! Well that's the usual case around your garden. You always have amazing looking stuffCheers man.

I can't take the credit for the wormbin design, it was stolen directly from @Grandpa GreenJeans. If I were to build mine again, I'd go for thicker timber and probably glue it together, rather than just using screws. The timber I used is warping badly, so the trays don't exactly sit together so flush anymore. It's fungus gnat heaven,lmao.

Both the sips are working great, although I did get a little carried away putting shit in the res of the white one. It ended up going very anaerobic, stinky and I'm sure it sent my ph put of whack causing lockouts. I do prefer the sip made from the airpots and think I'll be constructing another one to go in the other tent.
Hope ya studies are going well and your garden staying green