freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet .


Well-Known Member
its been slowly ramping up on Facebook & YouTube in the USA but its been hard core in Europe for several years now,German LEO will arrest you after posting any anti Islamic immigrant vids on YouTube,most of Europe is heavily censured on moderate & right leaning topics of just words,the same topics are allowed to show graphic violence & vulgar language if its from a far left radical perspective .

Obamas plan to give the internet rights of Americans is being fought over till the end,this internet shit with Obama is just another example of the oligarchy doing all they can to silence free speech .

Anybody in favor,or defending Obama please cite exactly what the USA,and its citizens stand to gain by giving away our control to fucking NATO .

IMO NATO needs to go asap,fuck NATO & the corruption they foster .
I don't think anyone on this site is as consistently wrong as you...

At least you're consistent.


Well-Known Member
If only that were completely true.

Actually, it is true. Don't you remember, Al Gore claimed he "Invented" the internet. Prolly about the same time he made millions when he discovered global warming, which consequently happened at the same time when obama stated that as soon as he was elected "the ocean's would receed".


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Bodily threats? I recall a heated pissing match here that was called to fist to cuffs. Chuck was in that one.....didn't happen.

Why does the US have to be "in charge" of everything? The real thing is more about regulation of domain names.....It'll go to big business to now overcharge for the "rights" to " or

Like I care anymore.

Corn holing chickens ? Holy Cloaca batman !



Well-Known Member
there is not a lot of accurate information on it . from what i am seeing professions say watching you tube . is that freedom of speech . what we watch . possible taxed . if your speech is incorrect your posting will be banned and possible fined .

If you pay for a service, IP addresses,...How can the Government regulate you and not the services instead ?


Well-Known Member
Actually, it is true. Don't you remember, Al Gore claimed he "Invented" the internet. Prolly about the same time he made millions when he discovered global warming, which consequently happened at the same time when obama stated that as soon as he was elected "the ocean's would receed".

Al Gore never claimed he invented the internet. He did however evangelize legislation which help fund ARPANET which was the precursor to the internet. However much of the technology was created in various universities both in the US and the UK, a joint effort if you will. Al Gore never claimed to have discovered global warming, he only championed its publicity, well deserved in my opinion.

Please cite specifically when and where President Obama claimed that when he is elected the ocean's would "receed", I think you meant recede.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee 'invented' HTML and the "world wide web". He's British.

The hardware is generally created in China, Taiwan and other parts in Asia. And is usually designed in the US (ie Intel) by very intelligent foreigners, usually from Israel, Japan or China.

The software claim is a very broad statement, yes a lot of software is "created" in the US, but generally speaking most software is created overseas as contract projects.

Yes, most every browser used today is made in the USA. Be proud.

The "pretty much everything else" claim is clearly inaccurate and likely just a wild exaggeration.



Well-Known Member
Al Gore never claimed he invented the internet. He did however evangelize legislation which help fund ARPANET which was the precursor to the internet. However much of the technology was created in various universities both in the US and the UK, a joint effort if you will. Al Gore never claimed to have discovered global warming, he only championed its publicity, well deserved in my opinion.

Please cite specifically when and where President Obama claimed that when he is elected the ocean's would "receed", I think you meant recede.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee 'invented' HTML and the "world wide web". He's British.

The hardware is generally created in China, Taiwan and other parts in Asia. And is usually designed in the US (ie Intel) by very intelligent foreigners, usually from Israel, Japan or China.

The software claim is a very broad statement, yes a lot of software is "created" in the US, but generally speaking most software is created overseas as contract projects.

Yes, most every browser used today is made in the USA. Be proud.

The "pretty much everything else" claim is clearly inaccurate and likely just a wild exaggeration.

What Gore stated was " I took the initiative in creating the Internet" inventing vs. Creating, semantics I guess.


Well-Known Member
When obama won the primaries, he stated we would all look back and see " this was the moment the rise of the oceans began to slow and the earth began to heal".

I would've been cool with him healing the earth as long as the megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur would've changed my water to a whiskey prior to walking on it.

It's true, thanks to he and gore, we now have a pristine world AND the Internet. And trailer trash TSA agents groping childrens crotches, an absolute clusterfuck in the middle east, more people locked in cages for smoking plant matter, illegal spying by the NSA on American citizens, secret courts, a president killing innocent Americans convicted of no crimes, twice as many people collecting food stamps than when he took office, stating he's "ready to go it alone" when starting yet another war without congressional approval, the whole transparency lies, war on whistle blowers, ad nauseam.


Well-Known Member
Lmao! If one speaks the truth they're a racist? That's the best you can do? You're comical. Not so funny if you're one of those people receiving food stamps though.
there were about 32 million americans on food stamps when obama took office ( @Flaming Pie )

now there are about 40 million on food stamps.

you are literally mentally retarded, and racist.