Wanna know the funny part which alot of people may hate ???
That blue mystic is growing in a mixture of cheap organic potting mix/perlite/and miracle grow seed starting soil.
The organic cheap potting mix and miracle grow seed starting mix have almost no NPK in them.
I also use something for my veg nutrients that just works but is frowned upon..
I'm vegging the blue mystic with nothing other than miracle grow all purpose fertilizer.. Its that blue crystal powder.
I would never use the regular miracle grow potting mix because of time release nutrients in it but miracle gro's seed starting mix and miracle gros organic choice are both good potting mixes that have almost no NPK.
When I cant afford FF Ocean Forest I use the MG seed starting mix mixed into some cheap organic potting mix.
I actually LIKE the miracle gro all purpose blue powder for vegging .. It works good.
Now .. dont get me wrong.. When I switch to flowering I will use Tiger Bloom.
I bought 2 things to help my grows get better this time around.
These 2 grows are my first time ever using tiger bloom and I like it... I also bought some general hydroponics Florakleen to do my end flush come harvest.
I have a feeling these 2 grows will be better then the other grows I've done.
on all my other grows I used fox farm ocean forest soil and let that do my vegging for me... then I used dyna gro bloom for flowering.
Here is an update today of the blue mystic and also the tran siberian.. the tran siberian keeps spitting lots of new pistils every 24 hours. I'd say another week to 10 days and I'll start seeing actual nug structure..
here is the blue mystic. Blue Mystic took the toppings real nice.. I now have 6 new tops and each of the 2 new top shoots have grown about 3 inches.
Here Is the Tran Siberian