Video Shows Carolina Cop Violently Arrest Black Man For Sitting On His Porch

That's cute. You found ONE. Let me know when you'd like to compare.
Let's compare the total number of people of every race. If Redlivesdontmatter why should Blacklivesmatter?

The red man got the shit end of the stick the black man just bitches more.
I've had the cops kick in my door put me at gun point and toss my friend across the couch landing him on his head because a neighbor smelled weed. Fuck the police

That was tough love dude. They don`t really bother with weed.

Either that or you have no say so over your policing. That would make you all sheep.
OK. I'm ready when you are.

I can really sense your concern for Native Americans in your response. :roll:
Sorry that I would rather look after my red ass than your black ass. I'm not white for the millionth time!! So tell me how much worse has the black man had it than the red man? Oh yeah not even close to as bad but keep complaining you will end up like Leonard Pelletier!

Freedom!!! Yeah, fucking right!!!
This is true. As I've said on several occasions however, I don't really expect any meaningful reform because that would require them to actually admit that something was wrong at an institutional level. Contrary to the belief of many, these are NOT merely "isolated incidents". This is institutionalized racism, plain and simple.
I have experienced the same treatment. I think it's a mistake to assume it was racism. Cops think they are above the law often. If this was only happening to blacks, I would assume it to be racism, but it's not just happening to blacks. More whites are killed than blacks by cops.