Video Shows Carolina Cop Violently Arrest Black Man For Sitting On His Porch

Had neighbors who named their kids Clark and Candy Barr. Not that I really care, but seemed not cool.

I had an apprentice tin knocker who worked for me in the 80's who's name was Harry Lipp & his fathers name was Richard Lipp who taught me to operate cranes,both good dudes,he thought we would tease him about his name when he 1st hired into the union & nobody cared,he said he caught hell about his name at the scab shop he worked at before joining my crew,even in the 80's I was amazed adults cared what peoples names were,I wouldn't name my kid dick but to each his own ;)
I have experienced the same treatment. I think it's a mistake to assume it was racism. Cops think they are above the law often. If this was only happening to blacks, I would assume it to be racism, but it's not just happening to blacks. More whites are killed than blacks by cops.
The fact that it's happened to you, well that changes everything. What on earth was I thinking?
This is true. As I've said on several occasions however, I don't really expect any meaningful reform because that would require them to actually admit that something was wrong at an institutional level. Contrary to the belief of many, these are NOT merely "isolated incidents". This is institutionalized racism, plain and simple.

Not only this, but it's become more acceptable for cops to use deadly force. Thsee two trends have combined with disastrous results when it comes to policing and people of color.

I'm struggling with solutions. It seems like a downward spiral with no way out...