Mollasses mollasses?

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Not reaching. I just highly suspect the two of you are indoor hydroponics growers. And this is an outdoor thread. I do know from browsing forums there seems to be a huge pissing contest between the two. If you read over my posts again I never said one was better than the other. Both require different methods and both give different results. But the arguments you're bringing up make sense...for indoor growers
how does using molasses outdoor differ from indoor?

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
i understand what you're saying i think. you're just on the side of don't use molasses as a fertilizer or a bud hardener? yea im not argueing against that. youre links are pretty pffft tho
every link on molasses is for it and from a stoner forum of people who don't know shit. the links I posted aren't from stoner forums.
some people don't have a green thumb and need to look for other things/boosters/additives to try and compete with competent growers

What's your growing medium? I want to know how you grow without adding other things, boosters, or additives. Do you grow in air?


Well-Known Member
Not reaching. I just highly suspect the two of you are indoor hydroponics growers. And this is an outdoor thread. I do know from browsing forums there seems to be a huge pissing contest between the two. If you read over my posts again I never said one was better than the other. Both require different methods and both give different results. But the arguments you're bringing up make sense...for indoor growers
i apply EM and molasses in a foliar spray outdoors every week to fight off pathogens in the area. you can use EM and molasses in the septic tank, on your tool shed, on your dog. etcetc etc etc to fight off smells and disease.

please nobody just spray straight molasses ha you'll likely just get ants, flies, and a sticky mess untill they clean it up. gotta be applied WITH a microbe culture in equal volumes

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
some people don't have a green thumb and need to look for other things/boosters/additives to try and compete with competent growers

What's your growing medium? I want to know how you grow without adding other things, boosters, or additives. Do you grow in air?
I use pro mix, add some worm castings, this lasts most all of veg, I then use small amounts of foliage pro until week 5, I then use some high k bat guano until end. I put money into environment, not bs forum claims

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
@Dr.Nick Riviera every single one of your links was trashtalky garbble from a phD.

id ignore a phd any day of the week if i could prove otherwise from experience lol:sleep:
anyway consider that it's safe follow a practice of feeding beneficial microorganisms to drown out the pathogenic colonies. if you constantly apply microorganisms and a feed stock then the likely hood of you or your plant getting sick is greatly reduced. what would get it sick? poor feeding or shitty soil yea that still matters. i think people are failing to see why microorganisms are in use.

but i can see how hard headed you are about a topic you probably havent practiced.. cmon.. you could at least have had said "i tried it an it i could tell any difference" or "i killed it so idk what happened":joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::wall:
Actually, science is your friend.
One of the problems I see is that many weed growers are suckers and will try anything if the marketing is good. If they end up with a decent grow, they think they have discovered a magical secret combination of ingredients. Then they share the "secret" with people on grow forums. Unfortunately, out of all the additives they used, probably only one or two made any difference -- and some may have been counterproductive.
This is where science comes in. The scientific process may seem tedious but it is accurate and reliable. Side by side tests (w/controls) work really well for isolating good & not-so-good additives and techniques.
Regarding compost (microbial) teas, they are great for establishing bacteria and fungi, but once established, these colonies don't need maintenance. Of course I'm talking about organic soil.
People get into trouble when they start mixing organic and synthetic because they are not compatible.
"Ithen use small amounts of foliage pro"

Foliage Pro is an Additive/booster so now you're contradicting yourself

"I put money into environment, not bs forum claims"

I don't know what that means? Are you saying molasses is bad for the environment?

"every link on molasses is for it and from a stoner forum of people who don'tknow shit. the links I posted aren't from stoner forums"

It isn't just "stoners" that promote the use so that was a lame excuse
"Regarding compost (microbial) teas, they are great for establishing bacteria and fungi, but once established, these colonies don't need maintenance."

Now you're backtracking. And if your dumping gallons of water on your plants throughout your grow and/or flushing salts is a good idea to practice maintenance.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I use pro mix, add some worm castings, this lasts most all of veg, I then use small amounts of foliage pro until week 5, I then use some high k bat guano until end. I put money into environment, not bs forum claims
Pro mix is an excellent base for both organic and hydro mixes.
Foliage pro will kill the bacteria you added with the worm castings. Are you just adding castings for a little nitrogen? Trace elements perhaps?

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
"Regarding compost (microbial) teas, they are great for establishing bacteria and fungi, but once established, these colonies don't need maintenance."

Now you're backtracking. And if your dumping gallons of water on your plants throughout your grow and/or flushing salts is a good idea to practice maintenance.
If you're flushing salts, you aren't growing organic, so why do you give a shit?
I think you're confusing me with someone else...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
theres probably small benefits to using molasses if you aren't growing a culture in your media. trace elements and such. but plants simple don't have big enough "mouths" to absorb the sugars and carbs in molasses, they have to be broken down into smaller elements so the plant can deal with them.
the real reason to use molasses is that its very good food for trichoderma, mycorrhizae , and baccilus. these in turn are very good for your roots.

as far as established colonies not needing fed, that may be true in a field outside where the colonies can draw on decaying matter in the soil but in a pot inside there isn't enough natural matter to support the colonies, you do need to give them food occasionally, or they will fall below sustainable levels, thats why people keep adding microbial teas to their soil/coco/ w/e, because they die off with a limited food source and breeding area
Here's a question for any hydro growers. Has anyone ever used filtered compost tea in their reservoirs instead of synthetics or whatever bottled organic products they use?

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
"Ithen use small amounts of foliage pro"

Foliage Pro is an Additive/booster so now you're contradicting yourself

"I put money into environment, not bs forum claims"

I don't know what that means? Are you saying molasses is bad for the environment?

"every link on molasses is for it and from a stoner forum of people who don'tknow shit. the links I posted aren't from stoner forums"

It isn't just "stoners" that promote the use so that was a lame excuse
foliage pro is not an additive or booster, it is a complete nutrient. all a plant needs are in it. I don't care about organic or synthetic, i grow trees, I like not using to much of anything. The environment, when dialed in is more important than any one nutrient. as long as you provide them with all they need for food and a dialed in environment, you can grow super dank. I understand this is outdoor forum, I am talking about my indoor environment. outdoors, you have no control over that.

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Pro mix is an excellent base for both organic and hydro mixes.
Foliage pro will kill the bacteria you added with the worm castings. Are you just adding castings for a little nitrogen? Trace elements perhaps?
I have been shown by a friend, that that is not true. FP is low phos. and it is high phos that kills the herds. It may not provide an ideal environment for them to thirve, but they are still helping to break down stuff.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
foliage pro is not an additive or booster, it is a complete nutrient. all a plant needs are in it. I don't care about organic or synthetic, i grow trees, I like not using to much of anything. The environment, when dialed in is more important than any one nutrient. as long as you provide them with all they need for food and a dialed in environment, you can grow super dank. I understand this is outdoor forum, I am talking about my indoor environment. outdoors, you have no control over that.
If all you use is pro mix, worm castings, and foliage pro, you can do better.
But I'm no phd...