Video Shows Carolina Cop Violently Arrest Black Man For Sitting On His Porch

Greensboro Officer Travis Cole was stripped of his law enforcement credentials, but he escaped criminal charges.

City council members in Greensboro, North Carolina voted this week to strip the law enforcement credentials of a police officer who is accused of violently arresting a man sitting on his porch after body camera footage of the arrest was made public.

The council voted unanimously Monday to permanently sanction Officer Travis Cole for using excessive force during the June arrest. The body camera footage shows Coleroughly throwing Dejuan Yourse to the floor of the porch and punching him as Yourse waited for his mom to come home and let him into the house, according to local news WREG.

The council pushed for criminal charges against Cole, but the district attorney refused, saying he wouldn’t “rehash the same evidence,” the Greensboro News & Record reported.

Cole and another officer approached Yourse’s house after they were dispatched to investigate a possible break-in on June 17.

As seen in body camera footage from both officers, combined below, Yourse explains that he’s waiting for his mom, who has lived in the neighborhood for 10 years, and visits her house every day.

Yourse is seen on the video attempting to phone his mom so she can speak to the officers. He gives the officers his ID, which lists the address as his residence, and he suggests the officers ask a neighbor to verify that he lives there.

The exchange escalates when Cole places his hands on Yourse’s chest to stop him from walking away. After Yourse sits back down, Cole snatches Yourse’s phone from his hand while Yourse is talking to someone, asking the person to come to his house because “the police is over here and they harassing me.”

Cole then throws Yourse to the floor and struggles to handcuff him. Amid the scuffle, Yourse repeatedly asks Cole why he’s punching him. When Cole yells, “I’m going to hit you again,” Yourse yells back, “Why?”

The cops charged Yourse with resisting arrest and assault on government officials. The charges were dropped when Cole resigned from his position in August. The second officer involved in Yourse’s arrest, C.N. Jackson, quit her job on Wednesday. Both ex-officers are white.
He clearly deserved it. Pronouncing your name two different ways is confusing.

Not even going to read the thread but I am guessing that the usual people were making the usual arguments.

He had a record
he didn't cooperate
cop lost badge so system works
In the uk we have children called Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio because that's what mummy was drinking when she got laid
Rich people do it too.

They just drink better shit.
Even with my "complaining", I've done pretty well so far. Now how is your "not complaining" going?
Pretty good I do complain a lot though just mostly about drug laws because that is what is oppressing people of all colors. Ain't no freedom here you want the pigs to stop fucking with black people well why they shaking y'all down? My guess is the same reason me and many others have been shaken down by police, drugs! A bit like how the cops in Straight Out Of Compton were. Shit even Native Americans they just barely got the right to eat peyote even though they live on a God damn reservation so the Federal government should have no part of. But if you know anything about the American Indian Movement the FBI sent in thugs to beat and kill then finally they killed 2 FBI agents but Leonard Pelletier was falsely imprisoned for murder.

Not to mention the Iran Contra scandal during the crack epidemic I'm sure they didn't just sell to black people though. The ghettoes are what the police hit the hardest though but 2016 we have DEA in the fucking mountains where it's mostly white people I only know one other person that's not related with an actually noticeable amount of Native American.

Yeah I complain plenty just I hate the Federal Government as a whole Trump Clinton fuck them both more so Clinton though they had a chance and failed the country.
Pretty good I do complain a lot though just mostly about drug laws because that is what is oppressing people of all colors. Ain't no freedom here you want the pigs to stop fucking with black people well why they shaking y'all down? My guess is the same reason me and many others have been shaken down by police, drugs! A bit like how the cops in Straight Out Of Compton were. Shit even Native Americans they just barely got the right to eat peyote even though they live on a God damn reservation so the Federal government should have no part of. But if you know anything about the American Indian Movement the FBI sent in thugs to beat and kill then finally they killed 2 FBI agents but Leonard Pelletier was falsely imprisoned for murder.

Not to mention the Iran Contra scandal during the crack epidemic I'm sure they didn't just sell to black people though. The ghettoes are what the police hit the hardest though but 2016 we have DEA in the fucking mountains where it's mostly white people I only know one other person that's not related with an actually noticeable amount of Native American.

Yeah I complain plenty just I hate the Federal Government as a whole Trump Clinton fuck them both more so Clinton though they had a chance and failed the country.
So your response to me on why I don't really have a right to complain about racism is to write me two paragraphs confirming the racism that I have no right to complain about. Makes perfect sense now. Thanks.
So your response to me on why I don't really have a right to complain about racism is to write me two paragraphs confirming the racism that I have no right to complain about. Makes perfect sense now. Thanks.
I didn't say racism don't exist but their is a reason the police shake all people down drugs, drugs and drugs. Sure the government made black neighborhoods into high crime areas by filling it full of drugs, liquor stores and gun shops exactly what I got walking down MLK BLVD in Daytona Beach, FL as well as Lawrence, MA but it is mostly Latinos in Lawrence.

Drugs are the reason it's about time to legalize coke, heroin, weed and all. All prohibition does is create crime where there is none. I think that's what Lincoln said something like that anyway.
@schuylaar although we don't see eye to eye right now, because of your hidden bigoted ways , do take care down there in Florida. In fact I hope you are out of the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area.
lol one of my ex girlfriends moved to ft lauderdale, she sent me a text saying.. we need to talk i miss you blah blah blah.. all that bullshit.
only thing i texted her back was go buy a canoe
lol one of my ex girlfriends moved to ft lauderdale, she sent me a text saying.. we need to talk i miss you blah blah blah.. all that bullshit.
only thing i texted her back was go buy a canoe
lol. I guess she is an EX for a reason
I didn't say racism don't exist but their is a reason the police shake all people down drugs, drugs and drugs.
Yet it's mostly black people doing hard time for those "drugs, drugs, and drugs". There's a reason for this, and if you'll bear with me i'll gladly explain why this is indeed the case (Pay close attention now because this is when it gets really interesting.). RACISM.
Pretty good I do complain a lot though just mostly about drug laws because that is what is oppressing people of all colors. Ain't no freedom here you want the pigs to stop fucking with black people well why they shaking y'all down? My guess is the same reason me and many others have been shaken down by police, drugs! A bit like how the cops in Straight Out Of Compton were. Shit even Native Americans they just barely got the right to eat peyote even though they live on a God damn reservation so the Federal government should have no part of. But if you know anything about the American Indian Movement the FBI sent in thugs to beat and kill then finally they killed 2 FBI agents but Leonard Pelletier was falsely imprisoned for murder.

Not to mention the Iran Contra scandal during the crack epidemic I'm sure they didn't just sell to black people though. The ghettoes are what the police hit the hardest though but 2016 we have DEA in the fucking mountains where it's mostly white people I only know one other person that's not related with an actually noticeable amount of Native American.

Yeah I complain plenty just I hate the Federal Government as a whole Trump Clinton fuck them both more so Clinton though they had a chance and failed the country.

Yet it's mostly black people doing hard time for those "drugs, drugs, and drugs". There's a reason for this, and if you'll bear with me i'll gladly explain why this is indeed the case (Pay close attention now because this is when it gets really interesting.). RACISM.

Quite. Nevermind that the same percentage (or in many cases, even higher) of white people doing the very same drugs don't get treated nearly so badly by our 'just ass' system.
Quite. Nevermind that the same percentage (or in many cases, even higher) of white people doing the very same drugs don't get treated nearly so badly by our 'just ass' system.
That is changing.

I completely get what bear and you are saying. They have started bringing federal groups into poor areas that are mostly whit under the guise of stopping drugs. It is because they can do what they want to poor people without means to defend themselves in court.

Yes part is from racism but part of it is being poor. I know the two go hand in hand but they are not exclusive.
That is changing.

I completely get what bear and you are saying. They have started bringing federal groups into poor areas that are mostly whit under the guise of stopping drugs. It is because they can do what they want to poor people without means to defend themselves in court.

Yes part is from racism but part of it is being poor. I know the two go hand in hand but they are not exclusive.

Classism is a separate issue, but like most complicated social problems in this country, it is certainly part of the racism mix. Black people and other minorities are in general much less affluent than whites in no small part due to racism, be it institutional or otherwise.